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tfts: Time Series Deep Learning Models in TensorFlow

Time series prediction

LICENSE [build-image]: https://github.com/LongxingTan/Time-series-prediction/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg?branch=master

Documentation | Tutorials | Release Notes | 中文

TFTS (TensorFlow Time Series) is a python package for time series prediction, supporting the common deep learning methods in TensorFlow.


  1. Install the required library
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download the data, if necessary
$ sh ./data/download_passenger.sh
  1. Train the model
    set custom_model_params if you want (refer to params in ./tfts/models/*.py), and pay attention to feature engineering.
$ cd examples
$ python run_train.py --use_model seq2seq
$ cd ..
$ tensorboard --logdir=./data/logs
  1. Predict new data
$ cd examples
$ python run_test.py


Visit https to read the documentation with detailed tutorials


  • I use the seq2seq model from this lib to win 4th/2849 in Tianchi ENSO prediction, code is here

Further reading

  • https://github.com/awslabs/gluon-ts/
  • https://github.com/Azure/DeepLearningForTimeSeriesForecasting
  • https://github.com/microsoft/forecasting
  • https://github.com/jdb78/pytorch-forecasting
  • https://github.com/timeseriesAI/tsai
  • https://github.com/facebookresearch/Kats