
Results 51 comments of 龙腾道

the first one intend to express that, the value `new Proxy(()=>{},{})` is a no-side-effects function.

don't know why, now I get `before+caught+uncaught`. maybe I was too sleepy. in my just test, I found the `uncaughtException` came from `unhandledRejection` event, if any helps.

the problem seems just because the outest stack is not catched. the inside caller stacks seems normal and correct, like any normal thrown commonjs module evaluating. the problem even maybe...

> For the sake of completeness, if the error is thrown from an ES module, the error is caught > > ```js > process.on('uncaughtException', ()=>console.log('uncaught')); > try { > await...

I also test `--experimental-vm-modules` just now, here are interesting things: ```mjs import vm from 'node:vm'; process.on('unhandledRejection', () => console.log('unhandledRejection')); try { const mjs = new vm.SourceTextModule(`import's'`); await mjs.link(async function myLinker...

consider this: ``` /** @jsx h */ /** @jsxTag t */ ``` which means: ```js h('el', { attr: t`a${b}c` }) ``` this may give user a chance to handle substitutions...

Sorry for replying late, I have read you issue days before. What's counter-intuitive, object without any proto is slower than object with a proto for tenfold. I can't give you...

Is it not possible for `.wasm`, just like `.node`? Or just currently not limit, and will do that in the future? @RafaelGSS

(Why can wasm bypass it? I remember wasm is module without side effects, without dom or io access ability, and the imports inside also need be apply by the `WebAssembly.instantiate()`...