autoit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
autoit copied to clipboard

Automate it with Python


Automate it with Python.

What is this?

This Python 3 package aims to help you automate several GUI actions easily through Python, like clicking, moving the mouse around, using the keyboard, etc.

How to install it?

.. code-block::

pip install autoit

External requirements?

  • Windows, or

  • Linux

    • xdotool to do any ait operation.
    • Python's Xlib to use ait.log (mouse/keyboard logger).

How does it look like?

.. code-block:: python

import ait

# Click wherever the mouse is

# Click with the right mouse button'R')

# Click at some position, 480)

# Click in the center of the screen with the middle button, 0.5, 'M')

# Click 10 pixels below, 10j)

# Movement (absolute, percentage and relative) can also be done
ait.move(140, 480)
ait.move(0.5, 0.5)
ait.move(60j, -9j)

# Mouse position can also be retrieved
x, y = ait.mouse()

# Pressing keys can also be done'q', '!', '\n')  # Exit vim*'\b' * 10)  # 10 backspaces
# Writing things with the keyboard too
ait.write('Hello world!\n')