react-styled-flexboxgrid copied to clipboard
Col xs={false} should be !important
<Col xs={false} [...]
should lead to a style value of display: none!important
The reason is that if you create a display: flex
setting for the column for normal operations, it will override display: none
for xs screens. And xs={false} is a hard rule.
I encounter this problem too but display: none !important
will leads to other problems. Try yourself by simply adding:
diff --git a/src/components/Col.js b/src/components/Col.js
index 2f06d0a..f2e7f4c 100644
--- a/src/components/Col.js
+++ b/src/components/Col.js
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export default styled(Col)`
display: block;
// Hide element
- : 'display: none;'
+ : 'display: none !important;'
And see the last example in demo, the Col
will never be visible:
Due to !important
I don't have solution at this time but I am really open to propositions ;)
I suppose the media selector for display: none !important could indicate a max width: 64em. But for larger screens you would need to define a min-width AND a max-width for this case.
Another option might be the @supports selector. @supports not (display: block)
Just thinking out loud. Not sure if this would not lead to more/other problems.