Well, probably no. Very few fonts even support these characters, and even fewer fonts actually can stack diacritics properly in the first place. The most that've been done is that...
Does it? I've checked out on that before, but it doesn't seem like the diacritics in that font even stack.
Ok, checked the changes and it already works amazingly well There's this problem with parentheses on base character with no diacritics for now:  There's no defined behavior for this...
How does `Ꝗ` work on baseline variants tho :thinking: 
cf. #2085 For some more serifed digit variants
Not the owner, but pretty sure any scripts outside Latin Greek and Cyrillic are out of scope, or at least far future for now. You can definitely try to fork...
well, the only attempt for a monospaced devanagari font i can find is [this](https://github.com/monotty/fonts):  the other thing i can think of is [this unicode initiative](https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2023/23107-terminal-suppt.pdf) that tries to come...
> Does Berkeley come with three styles for zero? Looks like it comes with 4 (the last one being the plain zero). Incidentally this font has an implementation of the...
(leaving this for future reference: https://fonter.am/) Well, no one here really knows Armenian typography (or how those characters work in Grotesque/Slab Serif style at least), so we can't really do...
I suppose the only orthographic differences between Lisu script and the corresponding Latin letters they derive from are: * They must be in San-serif (see https://www.evertype.com/standards/iso10646/pdf/fraser-sample.pdf), probably even for `ꓲ`....