Patrick Oyarzun
Patrick Oyarzun
@dimitarvdimitrov One more thing, we'll need to update the NOTES.txt to include the gateway ingress appropriately. Right now it says this even though I have the gateway ingress enabled...
@dimitarvdimitrov: One of the differences is `querier.max-concurrent` set to 16 in Helm vs 20 (the default) in Jsonnet. I see you added this in #2655. I see the comment >...
@pstibrany One difference is `store-gateway.sharding-ring.wait-stability-min-duration`. It defaults to `0`, but is set to `1m` by jsonnet. I can see that `1m` used to be the default until your PR #976...
@pracucci One difference is `blocks-storage.bucket-store.max-chunk-pool-bytes`. It defaults to 2GB in Helm and is overridden to 12GB in Jsonnet after your PR here: Any reason I shouldn't port this into...
`blocks-storage.bucket-store.index-cache.memcached.max-item-size` is 5MB in Jsonnet, 15MB in Helm. @ortuman , you most recently edited the Helm side in, any idea why it's different or which one should be preferred?
@dimitarvdimitrov Thanks, I enabled it in the test now. More questions: `query-scheduler.max-outstanding-requests-per-tenant` is set to `1600` in helm, but `800` in jsonnet when query sharding is enabled. Any idea which...
For helm I would add an entry under `mimir.config` in the default `values.yaml` file here: It would probably look something like ``` mimir: config: | usage_stats: installation_mode: helm ......
I wonder if ingester disk usage would be better estimated as a function of DPM rather than active series. In any case, I think the ingester sizing that @09jvilla points...
@pdf @rojas-diego @boniek83 @yevhen-harmonizehr I think there are a couple ways this could work, and I'm curious what you think. This is not meant to be a commitment that we...
Thanks @pdf! Another idea that came up internally is this: allow the Grafana Agent to read those CRDs and configure Mimir via the existing Mimir Ruler API.