Yes, the training curves look normal.
I encountered the same problem, did you solve it?
> > I encountered the same problem, did you solve it? > > @JiawangLiu > > Could you try the above approach? Yes, it worked! But another problem has arisen...
> The k2 pre-compiled wheel is built on Ubuntu 20.04. > > Please install k2 from source in your case. When I install k2 from source I encounter another problem...
But I only find one when I run `pip uninstall k2` ``` Found existing installation: k2 1.24.3.dev20230707+cuda11.7.torch1.13.0 Uninstalling k2-1.24.3.dev20230707+cuda11.7.torch1.13.0: Would remove: /opt/conda/envs/k2v6/lib/python3.8/site-packages/k2-1.24.3.dev20230707+cuda11.7.torch1.13.0-py3.8-linux-x86_64.egg Proceed (Y/n)? ```
Yes, I find two files. After delete old one, it runs successfully! Thank you very much!
I have encountered the same problem on libriheavy dataset, and solve it by adjust ``` cut["start"] = round(cut["start"], 2) cut["features"]["start"] = round(cut["features"]["start"], 2) ```