Logan oos Even
Logan oos Even
For the sake of compatibility throughout the 3.x series, this can be implemented at 3.9/4.0 at the earliest.
– reserved – # Idea Scratchpad maybe complement current replay protection scheme with packet counter to help packet loss detection
– reserved –
The n2n VPN does not consist of edge nodes only but always will require extra nodes ("supernodes") – think of establishing the connection and packet forwarding in case of no...
I googled really quick and found some [hints](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/ms834193(v=msdn.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN) from Microsoft. Especially no. 8 looks interesting because there are some calls to `calloc()` in the code. Other than that, n2n's code...
Our [Building documentation](https://github.com/ntop/n2n/blob/dev/doc/Building.md) has some hints for building on Windows. But it is not **CE** specific. I have not heard about anyone having built for **CE** so far. So, you...
Have you been successful? Please let us know!
Perhaps [ntop's Discord server](https://www.ntop.org/community/) might be an additional channel to find like-minded persons?
@huangli0125 Do you want to provide a pull request?
Thank you for reporting. It sounds a bit like #923. Can you describe your scenario, your command line parameters at edge and supernode, how you setup Federation and maybe share...