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The official nodejs client library for LocalXpose

Nodejs Client Library

The official nodejs binding for LocalXpose


You can use this library as a guest account or by applying your access token, If you don't have an account you can create one, sign up for a new account or login and get your access token.


npm install localxpose

# or 
yarn add localxpose


1. Creating a LocalXpose client

Passing in an access token or leave it empty for a guest limited account

const LocalXpose = require('localxpose')
const client = new LocalXpose('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN')

// or using an access token stored in an environment variable as LOCALXPOSE_ACCESS_TOKEN
const client = new LocalXpose()

2. Start your tunnel

http tunnel

(async function(){
let httpTunnel = await client.http()
// or
let httpTunnel = await client.http({
    region: 'us', // us, ap or eu (default: us)
    to: '', // address to forward to (default: 
    subdomain: 'hello-world', // tunnel subdomain (default: random)
    reservedDomain: '', // reserved domain
    hostheader: '', // rewrite host header 
    basicAuth: 'user:pass', // protect the tunnel with username and password
    eventCallback: callback // tunnel events callback 
// or
.then((tunnel) => console.log(`I am available on ${tunnel.addr}`))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))

tls tunnel

(async function(){

let tlsTunnel = await client.tls()
// or
let tlsTunnel = await client.tls({
    region: 'us', // us, ap or eu (default: us)
    to: '', // address to forward to (default: 
    subdomain: 'hello-world', // tunnel subdomain (default: random)
    reservedDomain: '', // reserved domain
    crt: '/path/to/cert.pem', // if you want localxpose client to terminate the tls connection
    key: '/path/to/key.pem', // if you want localxpose client to terminate the tls connection
    eventCallback: callback // tunnel events callback 
// or
.then((tunnel) => console.log(`I am available on ${tunnel.addr}`))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))

tcp tunnel

(async function(){
let tcpTunnel = await client.tcp()
// or
let tcpTunnel = await client.tcp({
    region: 'us', // us, ap or eu (default: us)
    to: '', // address to forward to (default: 
    port: 8181,  // choose a public port for your tunnel (default: random)
    reservedEndpoint: '', // reserved endpoint
    eventCallback: callback // tunnel events callback 
// or
.then((tunnel) => console.log(`I am available on ${tunnel.addr}`))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))

udp tunnel

(async function(){
let udpTunnel = await client.udp()
// or
let udpTunnel = await client.udp({
    region: 'us', // us, ap or eu (default: us)
    to: '', // address to forward to (default: 
    port: 8181,  // choose a public port for your tunnel (default: random)
    reservedEndpoint: '', // reserved endpoint
    eventCallback: callback // tunnel events callback 
// or
.then((tunnel) => console.log(`I am available on ${tunnel.addr}`))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))

file server tunnel

(async function(){
let fileSrvTunnel = await client.fileServer({path: '/path/to/directory'})
// or
let fileSrvTunnel = await client.fileServer({
    region: 'us', // us, ap or eu (default: us)
    subdomain: 'fileserver', // tunnel subdomain (default: random)
    reservedDomain: '', // reserved domain
    basicAuth: 'user:pass', // protect the tunnel with username and password
    path: '/path/to/directory', // path to be served
    eventCallback: callback // tunnel events callback 
// or
client.fileServer({path: '/path/to/dir'})
.then((tunnel) => console.log(`I am available on ${tunnel.addr}`))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))

close the tunnel

let httpTunnel = await client.http()
await httpTunnel.close()

close all the tunnels and kill LocalXpose process



LocalXpose Class

new LocalXpose([accessToken]) - Initialization

  • accessToken
    • Required: No (you can use access token stored in LOCALXPOSE_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable)
    • A passed in accessToken will take precedence over an environment variable



  • http(), fileServer(), tls(), tcp() and udp() methods return promises, the resolved result is object, either of type HlsTunnel or TupTunnel
  • BOLD option is mandatory
  • http([options]) - create http tunnel, returns HlsTunnel object
    • region - can be 'us', 'ap' or 'eu' (default: 'us')
    • to - address to forward to (default:
    • subdomain - tunnel subdomain (default: random)
    • reservedDomain - reserved domain either custom domain or subdomain
    • hostheader - rewrite host header with a custom one
    • basicAuth - protect the tunnel with basic authentication in the form of user:pass
    • eventCallback - tunnel events callback, see below
    • NOTE: if reservedDomain is supplied, subdomain and region are neglected
  • fileServer(options) - create a file server tunnel, returns HlsTunnel object
    • path - path to be served
    • region - can be 'us', 'ap' or 'eu' (default: 'us')
    • subdomain - tunnel subdomain (default: random)
    • reservedDomain - reserved domain either custom domain or subdomain
    • basicAuth - protect the tunnel with basic authentication in the form of user:pass
    • eventCallback - tunnel events callback, see below
    • NOTE: if reservedDomain is supplied, subdomain and region are neglected
  • tls([options]) - create a TLS tunnel, returns HlsTunnel object
    • region - can be 'us', 'ap' or 'eu' (default: 'us')
    • to - address to forward to (default:
    • subdomain - tunnel subdomain (default: random)
    • reservedDomain - reserved domain either custom domain or subdomain
    • crt - tls certificate path
    • key - tls key path
    • eventCallback - tunnel events callback, see below
    • NOTE: if reservedDomain is supplied, subdomain and region are neglected
  • tcp([options]) - create tcp tunnel, returns TupTunnel object
    • region - can be 'us', 'ap' or 'eu' (default: 'us')
    • to - address to forward to (default:
    • port - public port for your tunnel (default: random)
    • reservedEndpoint - reserved endpoint
    • eventCallback - tunnel events callback, see below
    • NOTE: if reservedEndpoint is supplied, port and region are neglected
  • udp([options]) - create udp tunnel, returns TupTunnel object
    • region - can be 'us', 'ap' or 'eu' (default: 'us')
    • to - address to forward to (default:
    • port - public port for your tunnel (default: random)
    • reservedEndpoint - reserved endpoint
    • eventCallback - tunnel events callback, see below
    • NOTE: if reservedEndpoint is supplied, port and region are neglected
  • kill() - close all the tunnels and stop LocalXpose process

HlsTunnel Class

(HLS stands for HTTP/TLS)


  • close([options]) - close the tunnel, returns a promise


  • ticket - tunnel id
  • to - address to forward to
  • proto - protocol http or tls
  • addr - the tunnel address (e.g.
  • region - tunnel region
  • status - tunnel status null, running, stopped or closed
  • basicAuth - username and password of the tunnel
  • crt - tls certificate path (tls tunnels only)
  • key - tls key path (tls tunnels only)
  • hostheader - host header value
  • path - file server path

TupTunnel Class

(TUP stands for TCP/UDP)


  • close([options]) - close the tunnel, returns a promise


  • ticket - tunnel id
  • to - address to forward to
  • proto - protocol tcp or udp
  • addr - the tunnel address (e.g.
  • region - tunnel region
  • status - tunnel status null, running, stopped or closed
  • hostname - hostname (e.g.
  • port - public port number (e.g. 27002)

Event Callback

Callback will be called for every event triggered by the tunnel.

function callback(event,data)

Argument event will be one of the follwoing

Name Description
EVENT_RUNNING Emitted when the tunnel is started successfully
EVENT_RECONNECTING Emitted when the connection is lost and trying to reconnect
EVENT_RECONNECTED Emitted when the tunnel is reconnected successfully
EVENT_ERROR Emitted when there is an error
EVENT_CLOSED Emitted when the tunnel is closed
EVENT_MESSAGE Emitted when there is a message (e.g. the forwarded address is unreachable)

Argument data will be as follow:

    tunnel, // tunnel object (HlsTunnel or TupTunnel)
    msg, // message comming from the `EVENT_MESSAGE` event
    error // error object 

Full Example

const LocalXpose = require('localxpose')
const client = new LocalXpose('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

(async function(){
    let httpTunnel = await client.http({
        to: "",
        subdomain: "hello",
        eventCallback: callback
     setTimeout(function () {

function callback(event,data){
        case "EVENT_RUNNING":
            console.log(`tunnel ${data.tunnel.addr} is started`)
        case "EVENT_ERROR":



Run npm install inside the repository to install all the dev dependencies.


Once all the dependencies are installed, you can execute the unit tests using npm test


Guidelines for adding issues


See ChangeLog here