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naming a text log, will get it filled with a log?
it generates weired code inside the object
Are you thinking of the textString property of textMorphs? There is no real textContent property within morphic in I am aware of.
I thought of textString... thanks! But if "textContent" is be undefined ... the text whas empty before I evaluated it and than it was fill with source code that did not belong there I guess?
That on the other hand seems really odd. Can you recover the steps that you did to get there? I cant really reproduce this locally.
I dragged out a text, named it "log" and evaluated "textContent" on it.
It might be a side effect of naming it "log"
Looks like a present Robert left for us: c98366ba093b96cdbd68b985147d93b70764001b ;-)
ahhhh the good old times!
Hello Robert :-) Do you remember if this was important? Or "kann das weg?" :-)
Well, it was a hack to quickly debug code rewriting. When you open a "log" and evaluate stuff it will print the transpiled code.
It might have been used in other places but nothing that should break...
Sollte also weg können...