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Documentation on how XML files are created? I am interested in creating a new map. Particularly for US counties I already have the Shapefiles and I want to convert them for usage within Live-Maps.
I don't see any documentation on how to create a new XML for Live-Maps. I presume the <path>
element is what defines the boundaries, but how are these elements decided? What does each value mean?
Is there any documentation or explanation on how Live-Maps XML files are generated?
Anybody know how I can find this information out yet?
No one knows??
It's been a few days since I discovered LiveCharts through Google search to develop a charting app for me. Many thanks to LiveChart author for knowing that Geomap allows me to draw charts on any complex shapes.
This is too late for jamespfluger but I'm writing this for who may need answer to your question; The xml files in the Live-Maps were drawn using the Path Markup Language and one may understand it at
For an example, if you want to draw a circle with radius 10 at (100, 100), the path will be like this; <Path> M 90,100 A 10,10 0 1 1 110,100 A 10,10 0 1 1 90,100 </Path>
Hope this help somebody.
Is anyway convert geoJSON to Path Markup Syntax?
i push a simple repo convert geoJSON to Path Markup Syntax
Has anyone managed to convert?