Liu onlon
Liu onlon
> 请问你的问题解决了吗? 我现在跑fast planner 实际地图一直出不来 你的问题解决了吗?我也无法出实时地图?是Opencv的问题吗?
> MID360 is used to implement the mapping function on UAV, using the official recommended LIO-Livox function package. Under the Ubuntu 20.04 system, catkin_make can pass, roslaunch lio_livox mid360.launch can...
> > To add a **tf**: `rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 camera_link t265_depth 10`, then the problem is solved. But the pointclouds look so bad. Are they...
You can modify the "/world" to "world" seven times in the 'odom_visualization.cpp'
When i switch my g++/gcc to 8.4 version, the issue is solved.
> ERROR: cannot launch node of type [poly_traj_server/poly_traj_server_node]: Cannot locate node of type [poly_traj_server_node] in package [poly_traj_server]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable...