Ulrich Huber
Ulrich Huber
With KWin on Wayland this is possible. See https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/SDDM#KDE_/_KWin Maybe Sway has a similar configuration file somewhere that you can copy?
I imagine Sway stores these settings per user e.g. in your home directory. SDDM is seen by Sway as a different user. Hence your user settings do not apply. You...
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Sway#Input_devices suggests that you need to do: ``` # mkdir -p /var/lib/sddm/.config/sway # cp ~/.config/sway/config /var/lib/sddm/.config/sway/config # chown sddm:sddm /var/lib/sddm/.config/sway/config ```
You will have to request this from Sway. In Wayland it is always up to the compositor to configure input and output devices.
It seems that this is partially the Jetbrains IDE and partially the plugin. Jetbrains seems to really put the aspect in a directory called `~/'?'`. But the Bazel plugin assumes...
This is related to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-347274 Since you are already assigned to that ticket, you might already be aware of that. It might be that this is the case, but I...
Removed all directories and still I immediately get a directory called `~/?` recreated. I'm using the option to upload the CLion installer via Gateway. Maybe this has an impact?
Client uses Windows 10 and Host uses Ubuntu 20.04. I found one line in the logs of Gateway that might help? The list of users only contains `?` and the...
I found a workaround that fixes the behavior within the IDE. And it also points to Gateway messing up this `ideIdentityString` which leads to the IDE itself messing up its...
/azp run create-installers