dashy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dashy copied to clipboard

🚀 A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!

Results 237 dashy issues
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### Environment Self-Hosted (Docker) ### Version 2.1.0 ### Describe the problem Hi, ## Context I'm using dashy in a docker container on a raspberry Pi 4 (using the latest image)....

🐛 Bug
❕ Medium Priority
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### Environment Self-Hosted (Bare Metal) ### System Ubuntu Server 22.04 (minimized) / Google Chrome on Windows ### Version 2.1.1 ### Describe the problem When editing config from the main menu...

🐛 Bug

### Is your feature request related to a problem? If so, please describe. Using dashy in daytime with dark theme, it's look like uncomfortable, so can we switch theme automatically,...

🦄 Feature Request

Is your feature request related to a problem? If so, please describe. Spining up a keycloak is really heavy. Dex is much light weight for most of use cases. And...

🦄 Feature Request
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### Environment Self-Hosted (Docker) ### Version 2.1.0 ### Describe the problem Updating the config with the "old" editor tree/code doesn't save changes to the config file on disk, just writes...

🐛 Bug
👤 Awaiting Maintainer Response

### Question I can't find any docs / code on this specifically. Does dashy itself have a **health** endpoint that can be hit instead of loading the whole dashboard by...

🤷‍♂️ Question
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Is your feature request related to a problem? If so, please describe. Most link goes to some web apps. To better help users understand the website they would jump to,...

🦄 Feature Request
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### Environment Cloud Service (Static) ### Version 2.1.0 ### Describe the problem It seems that when you attempt to deploy to Cloudflare, the workflow on GitHub never runs. Cloudflare reports...

🐛 Bug

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