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Code for ICML 2023 paper "Quantifying the Knowledge in GNNs for Reliable Distillation into MLPs"
Knowledge-inspired Reliable Distillation (KRD)
This is a PyTorch implementation of Knowledge-inspired Reliable Distillation (KRD), and the code includes the following modules:
Dataset Loader (Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed, Amazon-Photo, Coauthor-CS, Coauthor-Phy, and ogbn-arxiv)
Two evaluation settings: transductive and inductive
Various teacher GNN architectures (GCN, SAGE, GAT) and student MLPs
Training paradigm for teacher GNNs and student MLPs
Visualization and evaluation metrics
Main Requirements
- numpy==1.21.6
- scipy==1.7.3
- torch==1.6.0
- dgl == 0.6.1
- sklearn == 1.0.2
- train_teacher() -- Pre-train the teacher GNNs
- train_student() -- Train the student MLPs with the pre-trained teacher GNNs
- MLP() -- student MLPs
- GCN() -- GCN Classifier, working as teacher GNNs
- GAT() -- GAT Classifier, working as teacher GNNs
- GraphSAGE() -- GraphSAGE Classifier, working as teacher GNNs
- Com_KD_Prob() -- Calculate knowledge reliability, model sampling probability, and updating power in a momentum manner
- load_data() -- Load Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed, Amazon-Photo, Coauthor-CS, Coauthor-Phy, and ogbn-arxiv datasets
- set_seed() -- Set radom seeds for reproducible results
- graph_split() -- Split the data for the inductive setting
Running the code
Install the required dependency packages
To get the results on a specific dataset with specific GNN as the teacher under a specific setting, please run with proper hyperparameters:
python --dataset data_name --teacher gnn_name --exp_setting setting_name
where (1) data_name is one of the seven datasets: Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed, Amazon-Photo, Coauthor-CS, Coauthor-Phy ogbn-arxiv; (2) gnn_name is one of the three GNN architectures: GCN, SAGE, and GAT; (3) setting_name is one of the two evaluation settings: 0 (Transductive) and 1 (Inductive). Take the model in the transductive setting (with GCN as the teacher) on the Citeseer dataset as an example:
python --dataset citeseer --teacher GCN --exp_setting 0
If you find this project useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.
title={Quantifying the Knowledge in GNNs for Reliable Distillation into MLPs},
author={Wu, Lirong and Lin, Haitao and Huang, Yufei and and Li, Stan Z},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},