@mathieudebrito As i have tested more it looks like most of the chinese phones doesn't work with this API. Any ideas?
@j-shiraishi Interesting, I wonder why the implementation is different for Huawei devices. And if that's the case - this should be added to the Activity Recognition docs as well
Thanks for the answer looks like it's something similar but still i just want to create a graph with time series on x axis. any ideas?
Thanks i will try that !
yeah its pretty bad.. this library would be perfect if time series was supported
yes i already used AChartEngine but the problem that it's very slow for big data set and you may not be able to zoom/scroll
For me it worked by adding the following: ``` public override void SetFrom(TweenerCore t, VertexGradient vg, bool setImmediately, bool isRelative) { var prevEndVal = t.endValue; t.endValue = t.getter(); t.startValue =...
@coomar2841 any idea? i'm getting this too much lately
Another one : **device:** Motorola Moto E (4) (sperry) 7.1 **trace:** ``` android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: at ( at ( at ( at ( at ( at
Same here :( .. any ideas?