ExampleBot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ExampleBot copied to clipboard

A simple Discord bot using Discord.js v14 and ES6 modules. Feel free to clone it and build your own bot on top of it or just understand the library a bit better!

Discord.js v14 Example Bot

Extra info

Table of Contents

  • Your next steps
  • Installing the bot
  • Finding your Bot Token
  • Finding your Bot ID
  • Inviting your Bot
  • Installing NodeJS/npm
  • Updating NodeJS
  • Updating npm

Next steps

If you don't know what to do next, here are some ideas:

  • Use the discord.js documentation to implement things like buttons, modals (imput forms), context menu commands, select menus and more!
  • Use the Discord API to implement multi-language support that fetches the language from the user's Discord settings
  • Understand the basics of databases (e.g. SQL, mongoDB, etc.) to make data persistent
    • e.g. you can store your data in a SQLite database using the better-sqlite3 package
  • Dockerize the project so you can easily deploy it and keep it up to date
    • Implement a workflow that
      • Builds a new Docker image (for multiple platforms?) when a pr gets pushed to a specific branch
      • Pushes said images to the Dockerhub
      • Checks for new images on the Dockerhub and restarts the bot if a new image is available using watchtower
      • Use Docker volumes to store the database and other data
  • Implement a web dashboard to manage your bot using discord.js's OAuth2 module
  • Implement a logging system that logs all the bot's actions to a file or a database


Before you follow this, make sure you use NodeJS version 16.9.0 or higher and npm version 8 or higher. You can check your installed versions of both by running npm version

  • git clone https://github.com/LinusPotocnik/ExampleBot.git
  • cd ExampleBot
  • npm install
  • echo "BOT_TOKEN=YOUR_BOT_TOKEN" >> .env
  • node .

Finding your Bot Token

  • Head to the Discord developer portal
  • Click on New Application (assuming you don't already have one), give your bot a name and click on Create
  • On the left side, click on Bot
  • Now, you should see the Build-A-Bot section. In the Token section of this, click on Reset Token and Copy the newly generated token.

NOTE: Do NOT share this token with anyone!

Finding your Bot ID

Make sure that you share a server with the bot you created. If this is not the case, go to the invite section.

  • Go to the Discord developer portal and click on your application (bot)
  • On the left side, click on OAuth2 -> Client information
  • Under Client ID, click Copy

Inviting your Bot

Make sure that you have already created a bot application. If not, follow the steps under Finding the Bot Token.

  • Go to the Discord developer portal and click on your application (bot)
  • On the left side, click on OAuth2 -> OAuth2 URL Generator
  • Select bot
  • In the Bot Permissions section, select Administrator
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Copy
  • Now paste the copied url into a new tab and add the bot to your server

Install NodeJS and npm on Windows and macOS

  • Go to the NodeJS Website and download the current version
  • Install the downloaded file. This includes npm

Install NodeJS and npm on Linux

  • Update Linux sudo apt-get update -y
  • Download node with curl curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | sudo bash - (change the 20 to a different version if you wish to install a version of node that is not v20/LTS)
  • Install node sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Verify installation node -v

Update NodeJS

If you have an older version of NodeJS you can update it. If you are on a Windows machine, use all commands without a sudo and execute the terminal with administrator permissions.

  • npm cache clean -f
  • sudo npm install -g n
  • sudo n latest

Update npm


  • sudo npm install -g npm@latest
