cd-project.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cd-project.nvim copied to clipboard

I tried quite a lot `Project Management` plugins. In the end, I found all I need is an easier way to `cd` to another project directory.


I tried quite a lot Project Management plugins.

In the end,

I found all I need is an easier way to cd to another project directory.

How it works?

This plugin did nothing but provide a simpler way to add, persist and switch to directories.


Install and Config

My config as ref

  • Simple version
-- using lazy.nvim
return { "LintaoAmons/cd-project.nvim" }
  • All config options
-- using lazy.nvim
return {
    -- Don't need call the setup function if you think you are good with the default configuration
    tag = "v0.6.1", -- Optional, You can also use tag to pin the plugin version for stability
    init = function() -- use init if you want enable auto_register_project, otherwise config is good
        -- this json file is acting like a database to update and read the projects in real time.
        -- So because it's just a json file, you can edit directly to add more paths you want manually
        projects_config_filepath = vim.fs.normalize(vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/cd-project.nvim.json"),
        -- this controls the behaviour of `CdProjectAdd` command about how to get the project directory
        project_dir_pattern = { ".git", ".gitignore", "Cargo.toml", "package.json", "go.mod" },
        choice_format = "both", -- optional, you can switch to "name" or "path"
        projects_picker = "vim-ui", -- optional, you can switch to `telescope`
        auto_register_project = false, -- optional, toggle on/off the auto add project behaviour
        -- do whatever you like by hooks
        hooks = {
            callback = function(dir)
              vim.notify("switched to dir: " .. dir)
            callback = function(_)
              vim.cmd("Telescope find_files")
            callback = function(dir)
              vim.notify("switched to dir: " .. dir)
            end, -- required, action when trigger the hook
            name = "cd hint", -- optional
            order = 1, -- optional, the exection order if there're multiple hooks to be trigger at one point
            pattern = "cd-project.nvim", -- optional, trigger hook if contains pattern
            trigger_point = "DISABLE", -- optional, enum of trigger_points, default to `AFTER_CD`
            match_rule = function(dir) -- optional, a function return bool. if have this fields, then pattern will be ignored
              return true

Hook examples

Commands and Apis

Command Description
CdProject change working directory
CdProjectTab change working directory in tab
CdProjectAdd add current project's directory to the database(json file)
CdProjectBack quickly switch between current project and previous project
CdProjectManualAdd Manually add a path and optionally give it a name
CdSearchAndAdd fuzzy find directories in $HOME using telescope and optional give it a name

You can call the Apis provided by the plugin, to integrate into your own work flow


you can find the exported Apis at ./lua/cd-project/api.lua

  • [ ] Remember the buffer and cursor location while switch to the project


Don't hesitate to ask me anything about the codebase if you want to contribute.

By telegram or 微信: CateFat

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