cd-project.nvim copied to clipboard
I tried quite a lot `Project Management` plugins. In the end, I found all I need is an easier way to `cd` to another project directory.
I tried quite a lot Project Management
In the end,
I found all I need is an easier way to cd
to another project directory.
How it works?
This plugin did nothing but provide a simpler way to add, persist and switch to directories.
Install and Config
- Simple version
-- using lazy.nvim
return { "LintaoAmons/cd-project.nvim" }
- All config options
-- using lazy.nvim
return {
-- Don't need call the setup function if you think you are good with the default configuration
tag = "v0.6.1", -- Optional, You can also use tag to pin the plugin version for stability
init = function() -- use init if you want enable auto_register_project, otherwise config is good
-- this json file is acting like a database to update and read the projects in real time.
-- So because it's just a json file, you can edit directly to add more paths you want manually
projects_config_filepath = vim.fs.normalize(vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/cd-project.nvim.json"),
-- this controls the behaviour of `CdProjectAdd` command about how to get the project directory
project_dir_pattern = { ".git", ".gitignore", "Cargo.toml", "package.json", "go.mod" },
choice_format = "both", -- optional, you can switch to "name" or "path"
projects_picker = "vim-ui", -- optional, you can switch to `telescope`
auto_register_project = false, -- optional, toggle on/off the auto add project behaviour
-- do whatever you like by hooks
hooks = {
callback = function(dir)
vim.notify("switched to dir: " .. dir)
callback = function(_)
vim.cmd("Telescope find_files")
callback = function(dir)
vim.notify("switched to dir: " .. dir)
end, -- required, action when trigger the hook
name = "cd hint", -- optional
order = 1, -- optional, the exection order if there're multiple hooks to be trigger at one point
pattern = "cd-project.nvim", -- optional, trigger hook if contains pattern
trigger_point = "DISABLE", -- optional, enum of trigger_points, default to `AFTER_CD`
match_rule = function(dir) -- optional, a function return bool. if have this fields, then pattern will be ignored
return true
Hook examples
Commands and Apis
Command | Description |
CdProject |
change working directory |
CdProjectTab |
change working directory in tab |
CdProjectAdd |
add current project's directory to the database(json file) |
CdProjectBack |
quickly switch between current project and previous project |
CdProjectManualAdd |
Manually add a path and optionally give it a name |
CdSearchAndAdd |
fuzzy find directories in $HOME using telescope and optional give it a name |
You can call the Apis provided by the plugin, to integrate into your own work flow
you can find the exported Apis at ./lua/cd-project/api.lua
- [ ] Remember the buffer and cursor location while switch to the project
Don't hesitate to ask me anything about the codebase if you want to contribute.
By telegram or 微信: CateFat