arduinoWebSockets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
arduinoWebSockets copied to clipboard

WiFiClient.cpp:517 flush(): fail on fd 48, errno: 11, "No more processes"

Open JpEncausse opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

Hello, I give a try with WebSocket on ESP32 TTGO, I always get the following error then disconnected.

[232048][E][WiFiClient.cpp:517] flush(): fail on fd 48, errno: 11, "No more processes"
[WSc] Disconnected!

On the server side (Node-RED) I do receive message (and Node-RED node indicate "connected")

"GET /ws/pixels HTTP/1.1" 101 0 "-" "arduino-WebSocket-Client"

My code query my server the following way :

webSocket.begin("server.address", 80, "/ws/pixels");

I have an NGINX that forward the request from 80/443 to the node I follow node-red documentation for websocket.

JpEncausse avatar Jun 28 '23 08:06 JpEncausse

I have the exact same issue. My code didn't work so i reduced it to the example esp32 websocket client code and i'm still getting the same error. my own endpoint or even wss:// . It seams like as basic as it gets it wont work. (I'm using a espressif esp32 wrover-e module).

Darkmadda avatar Jul 04 '23 03:07 Darkmadda

Hello @JpEncausse ,

Thank you for adding this error, I am also facing the same issue.

Have you got any solution for the said problem?

demirschmid61 avatar Nov 05 '23 09:11 demirschmid61

No I didn't find the answer it seems to be in a core library. My only chance is pulling with HTTP Request every x seconds :-( (like a long pulling) but it's kludge.

JpEncausse avatar Nov 05 '23 14:11 JpEncausse

Hi, on my LilyGO + ETH-POE, I also got the same problem with WS Server, specially when my phone with WS client, move from 4G network to WiFi network

AviStudio avatar Jan 23 '24 01:01 AviStudio

Same here. No solution?

panlina avatar Mar 26 '24 02:03 panlina