sv-live-map copied to clipboard
GUI Map for displaying information on Tera Raid Dens in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
GUI Map for displaying information on Tera Raid Dens in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet either live or from a save backup
Spiritual sequel to PLA-Live-Map
For a non-map GUI, check out LegoFigure11's RaidCrawler
Feature Requests/Pull Requests are welcome! Current problems/planned features are denoted with "TODO:" in code, or posted in the issues tab.
sv-live-map reads tera raid encounter info directly from the flatbuffer binary in memory, this means that this repo does not need to contain serialized encounter information. This encounter info is then used to predict the generation of raid dens from their seeds and the player's current story progress, also stored in memory. Alternatively, the user can supply a save and dumped raid tables to display raids from a backup. All relevant read/derived information is then displayed to the user via the graphical user interface.
The program also supports automatically date skipping until a target is found.
The main purpose of this project is to show off elegant parsing of flatbuffer binaries in python, documenting the structure of the binaries used in SV, test out binary parsing with bytechomp, test out modern-looking python gui with customtkinter, new features of python 3.11.0, as well as provide an alternative tool for reading raid data via sys-botbase.
Powered by:
- Python 3.11.0
- flatbuffers for the framework to read flatbuffer binaries
- bytechomp for non-flatbuffer binary parsing
- CustomTkinter and TkinterMapView for GUI
- nxreader (forked from PyNXBot) for switch connection and memory reading
- sys-botbase for the switch's side of the connection
- Kaphotics/kwsch and the PKHex dev contributors for their work on reverse-engineering and documentation
- EzPzStreamz/SteveCookTU for help with game resources and direct aid in reverse engineering
- SkyLink98/Manu098vm for their early SV research along with documentation on memory pointers in SVResearches
- NPO-197 for help with player icon save blocks
Image Credits:
- Icons in icons8 folder provided by icons8
Font Credits:
- Fonts in fonts folder provided by Google Fonts