steamcom copied to clipboard
Python implementation of the Steam Community API
Table of Content
Also you can see see some basic examples in folder examples
- bukson for the steampy library, in fact, I took more than 50% of the code from him
- rossengeorgiev for the steam library, in it I looked at how to implement a mobile web session
- melvyn2 for the PySteamAuth program, his code helped me implement multiple confirmations
- DoctorMcKay for his libraries, which I also turned to during development
This program not associated with Valve Corp
pip install steamcom
SteamClient Methods
login() -> None
from steamcom.client import SteamClient
username = 'GabeNewell'
password = '124567'
shared_secret = 'zu+yLsdfjJRbg2FP+vsW+oNE='
identity_secret = 'U+Rs50612sdflkHlZ86ffPzgs='
steam_client = SteamClient(username, password, shared_secret, identity_secret)
print(steam_client.was_login_executed) # True
print(steam_client) # SteamClient: GabeNewell
extract_session() -> dict[str, str]
Needed to save the session, you can save it from json or txt and use it in the future
extracted_session = steam_client.extract_session()
print(extracted_session) # {'steam_id': '76...82', 'sessionid': '4f...90', 'steamLogin': '76...85', 'steamLoginSecure': '76...52'}
load_session(extracted_session: Mapping[str, str]) -> None
from steamcom.client import SteamClient
steam_client = SteamClient(username, passowrd, shared_secret, identity_secret)
is_session_alive() -> bool
get_partner_inventory(partner_steam_id: str, app_id: str, context_id: str, delay: int = 3) -> dict:
Return parsed inventory:
{'assets': {
'12176056772': {
'actions': ...,
'amount': '1',
'appid': 440,
'background_color': '3C352E',
'classid': '2569645959',
'commodity': 0,
'contextid': '2',
'currency': 0,
'descriptions': ...,
'icon_url': ...,
'icon_url_large': ...,
'id': '12176056772',
'instanceid': '5020381097',
'market_actions': ...,
'market_hash_name': 'Civic Duty Mk.II War Paint '
'market_marketable_restriction': 0,
'market_name': 'Civic Duty Mk.II War Paint '
'market_tradable_restriction': 7,
'marketable': 1,
'name': 'Civic Duty Mk.II War Paint',
'name_color': 'FAFAFA',
'tags': ...
'tradable': 0,
'type': ''}},
'total_inventory_count': 1}
get_my_inventory(app_id: str, context_id: str, delay: int = 3) -> dict:
The response is the same as get_partner_inventory
get_wallet_balance() -> float
send_offer_with_url(my_assets: dict, them_assets: dict, trade_offer_url: str, message: str = '') -> dict
my_assets and them_assets need send in format returned in functions what get inventories:
'12176056772': {
'amount': '1',
'appid': 440,
'contextid': '2',
response example:
{'tradeofferid': '5583701352', 'needs_mobile_confirmation': True, 'needs_email_confirmation': False, 'email_domain': ''}
ConfirmationExecutor Methods
get_confirmations() -> list[Confirmation]
confirmations = steam_client.confirmations.get_confirmations()
print(confirmations) # [Confirmation: Sell - IDF, Confirmation: Sell - SWAT]
From Confirmation class you can get various details:
first_confirmation = confirmations[0]
print(first_confirmation.conf_id) # 11360346824
print(first_confirmation.conf_type) # 3
print(first_confirmation.data_accept) # Create Listing
print(first_confirmation.creator) # 3792607079523295593
print(first_confirmation.key) # 9359661368473990051
print(first_confirmation.title) # Sell - IDF
print(first_confirmation.receiving) # 200 pуб. (173,92 pуб.)
print(first_confirmation.time) # Just now
print(first_confirmation.icon) #
respond_to_confirmations(confirmations: Iterable[Confirmation], cancel: bool = False) -> bool
status = steam_client.confirmations.respond_to_confirmations(confirmations)
print(status) # True
respond_to_confirmation(confirmation: Confirmation, cancel: bool = False) -> bool
first_confirmation = confirmations[0]
status = steam_client.confirmations.respond_to_confirmation(first_confirmation)
print(status) # True
allow_all_confirmations(types: Iterable[ConfirmationType], delay: int = 3) -> None
guard module functions
generate_one_time_code(shared_secret: str) -> str
from steamcom.guard import generate_one_time_code
secret_code = generate_one_time_code(shared_secret)
print(secret_code) # KPI21
generate_confirmation_key(identity_secret: str, tag: str) -> bytes
generate_device_id(steam_id: str) -> str
market module functions
get_price_history(app_id: str, market_hash_name: str) -> dict
Return parsed graph dots:
'Oct 05 2022': {
'21': {'price': 99.435, 'sales': 43},
'22': {'price': 139.317, 'sales': 270},
'23': {'price': 162.369, 'sales': 480}
'Oct 06 2022': {
'00': {'price': 136.98, 'sales': 1591},
'01': {'price': 95.765, 'sales': 2486},
'02': {'price': 128.912, 'sales': 1166},
'03': {'price': 79.4, 'sales': 3488},
'04': {'price': 64.853, 'sales': 3509},
'05': {'price': 48.488, 'sales': 3615},
'06': {'price': 38.628, 'sales': 4189},
'07': {'price': 19.867, 'sales': 5858},
'08': {'price': 14.915, 'sales': 4695},
'09': {'price': 17.805, 'sales': 3632},
'10': {'price': 36.602, 'sales': 2347},
'11': {'price': 39.764, 'sales': 2222},
'12': {'price': 38.924, 'sales': 2625},
'13': {'price': 29.821, 'sales': 2613},
'14': {'price': 29.942, 'sales': 1829},
'15': {'price': 41.774, 'sales': 1553},
'16': {'price': 54.72, 'sales': 1312},
'17': {'price': 77.849, 'sales': 725},
'18': {'price': 93.34, 'sales': 584},
'19': {'price': 85.461, 'sales': 668},
'20': {'price': 87.43, 'sales': 747},
'21': {'price': 89.098, 'sales': 744},
'22': {'price': 98.189, 'sales': 1210},
'23': {'price': 58.792, 'sales': 2255}
'Oct 07 2022': {
'00': {'price': 53.943, 'sales': 3456},
'01': {'price': 48.988, 'sales': 3294},
'02': {'price': 44.246, 'sales': 3292},
'03': {'price': 44.246, 'sales': 3058},
'04': {'price': 47.308, 'sales': 2573},
'05': {'price': 30.305, 'sales': 3619},
'06': {'price': 18.789, 'sales': 5698}
get_orders_histogram(item_name_id: str, app_id: str, market_hash_name: str, currency_id: int = None) -> dict
Return parsed histogram dots:
{'buy_order_graph': [
{'price': 2.67, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 2.66, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 2.6, 'quantity': 4},
{'price': 2.57, 'quantity': 23},
{'price': 2.54, 'quantity': 20},
{'price': 2.5, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 2.49, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 2.02, 'quantity': 3},
{'price': 1.92, 'quantity': 9},
{'price': 1.74, 'quantity': 15},
{'price': 1.65, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 1.53, 'quantity': 2},
{'price': 1.4, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 1.3, 'quantity': 9},
{'price': 1.24, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 1, 'quantity': 15},
{'price': 0.87, 'quantity': 97}],
'sell_order_graph': [
{'price': 3.24, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.25, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.27, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.28, 'quantity': 4},
{'price': 3.29, 'quantity': 2},
{'price': 3.3, 'quantity': 15},
{'price': 3.33, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.34, 'quantity': 3},
{'price': 3.35, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.36, 'quantity': 2},
{'price': 3.38, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.41, 'quantity': 4},
{'price': 3.42, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.45, 'quantity': 36},
{'price': 3.49, 'quantity': 2},
{'price': 3.5, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.52, 'quantity': 1},
{'price': 3.56, 'quantity': 2}]}
get_my_market_listings(self, delay: int = 3) -> dict
Return listings
{'buy_orders': {
'5470862660': {
'item_link': '',
'item_name': 'Seething Orbit',
'market_hash_name': 'Seething Orbit',
'order_id': '5470862660',
'price': 6.65,
'quantity': 5}
'sell_listings': {
'3868053667603823025': {
'buyer_pay': 2.70,
'created_on': '3 Oct',
'created_timestamp': 1664733600,
'description': {
'amount': '1',
'app_icon': ...,
'appid': 570,
'background_color': '',
'classid': '521521104',
'commodity': 0,
'contextid': '2',
'currency': 0,
'descriptions': ...
'icon_url': ...
'id': '24699743025',
'instanceid': '5017446107',
'market_hash_name': 'Lesser Twin',
'market_marketable_restriction': 0,
'market_name': 'Lesser Twin Blade',
'market_tradable_restriction': 7,
'marketable': 1,
'name': 'Lesser Twin Blade',
'name_color': 'D2D2D2',
'original_amount': '1',
'owner': 0,
'owner_descriptions': ...,
'status': 2,
'tradable': 0,
'type': 'Rare Offhand',
'unowned_contextid': '2',
'unowned_id': ...},
'listing_id': '3868053667603823025',
'need_confirmation': False,
'you_receive': '2.36'
create_buy_order(app_id: str, market_hash_name: str, price_single_item: str, quantity: int) -> dict:
{'success': 1, 'buy_orderid': '5465633972'}
create_sell_order(asset_id: str, app_id: str, context_id: str, money_to_receive: str, amount: int = 1) -> dict:
'email_domain': '',
'needs_email_confirmation': False,
'needs_mobile_confirmation': True,
'requires_confirmation': 1,
'success': True
cancel_sell_order(sell_listing_id: str) -> None:
cancel_buy_order(buy_order_id) -> dict:
{'success': 1}
check_placed_buy_order(app_id: str, market_hash_name: str) -> None | dict:
'item_link': '',
'item_name': 'Seething Orbit',
'market_hash_name': 'Seething Orbit',
'order_id': '5470862660',
'price': 6.65,
'quantity': 5
get_my_history(events_value: int = 5000, delay: int = 3) -> dict:
'asset': {
'actions': ...,
'amount': '0',
'app_icon': ...
'appid': 730,
'background_color': '',
'classid': '4839651026',
'commodity': 1,
'contextid': '2',
'currency': 0,
'descriptions': [...],
'icon_url': ...,
'icon_url_large': ...,
'id': '25979127616',
'instanceid': '188530139',
'market_actions': [...],
'market_hash_name': 'Sticker | jabbi (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022',
'market_name': 'Sticker | jabbi (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022',
'market_tradable_restriction': 7,
'marketable': 1,
'name': 'Sticker | jabbi (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022',
'name_color': 'D2D2D2',
'original_amount': '1',
'owner': 0,
'status': 4,
'tradable': 1,
'type': 'Remarkable Sticker',
'unowned_contextid': '2',
'unowned_id': '25979127616'},
'currency_id': '2005',
'date_event': '13 Oct',
'event_type': 4,
'listingid': '5152706284695898110',
'new_asset_id': '27404075264', # from sold and purchased
'partner_currency_id': '2005', # from sold and purchased
'price': 1.5,
'purchaseid': '5152706284695898111',
'steamid_actor': '76561199216758062',
'time_event': 1665657537,
'time_event_fraction': 310000000
get_my_history_up_to_date(self, date: datetime, delay: int = 3, attempts: int = 3) -> dict
The response is the same as get_my_history
fee_counter module functions
count(price: float) -> dict
{'steam_fee': 30, 'publisher_fee': 58, 'fees': 87, 'buyer_pay': 676, 'amount': 677, 'seller_receive': 589}