steamcom icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
steamcom copied to clipboard

Python implementation of the Steam Community API

Table of Content

Also you can see see some basic examples in folder examples


  • bukson for the steampy library, in fact, I took more than 50% of the code from him
  • rossengeorgiev for the steam library, in it I looked at how to implement a mobile web session
  • melvyn2 for the PySteamAuth program, his code helped me implement multiple confirmations
  • DoctorMcKay for his libraries, which I also turned to during development


This program not associated with Valve Corp

pip install steamcom

SteamClient Methods

login() -> None

from steamcom.client import SteamClient

username = 'GabeNewell'
password = '124567'
shared_secret = 'zu+yLsdfjJRbg2FP+vsW+oNE='
identity_secret = 'U+Rs50612sdflkHlZ86ffPzgs='

steam_client = SteamClient(username, password, shared_secret, identity_secret)
print(steam_client.was_login_executed) # True
print(steam_client) # SteamClient: GabeNewell

extract_session() -> dict[str, str]

Needed to save the session, you can save it from json or txt and use it in the future

extracted_session = steam_client.extract_session()
print(extracted_session) # {'steam_id': '76...82', 'sessionid': '4f...90', 'steamLogin': '76...85', 'steamLoginSecure': '76...52'}

load_session(extracted_session: Mapping[str, str]) -> None

from steamcom.client import SteamClient

steam_client = SteamClient(username, passowrd, shared_secret, identity_secret)

is_session_alive() -> bool

get_partner_inventory(partner_steam_id: str, app_id: str, context_id: str, delay: int = 3) -> dict:

Return parsed inventory:

{'assets': {
    '12176056772': {
        'actions': ...,
        'amount': '1',
        'appid': 440,
        'background_color': '3C352E',
        'classid': '2569645959',
        'commodity': 0,
        'contextid': '2',
        'currency': 0,
        'descriptions': ...,
        'icon_url': ...,
        'icon_url_large': ...,
        'id': '12176056772',
        'instanceid': '5020381097',
        'market_actions': ...,
        'market_hash_name': 'Civic Duty Mk.II War Paint '
        'market_marketable_restriction': 0,
        'market_name': 'Civic Duty Mk.II War Paint '
        'market_tradable_restriction': 7,
        'marketable': 1,
        'name': 'Civic Duty Mk.II War Paint',
        'name_color': 'FAFAFA',
        'tags': ...
        'tradable': 0,
        'type': ''}},
 'total_inventory_count': 1}

get_my_inventory(app_id: str, context_id: str, delay: int = 3) -> dict:

The response is the same as get_partner_inventory

get_wallet_balance() -> float

send_offer_with_url(my_assets: dict, them_assets: dict, trade_offer_url: str, message: str = '') -> dict

my_assets and them_assets need send in format returned in functions what get inventories:

    '12176056772': {
        'amount': '1',
        'appid': 440,
        'contextid': '2',

response example:

{'tradeofferid': '5583701352', 'needs_mobile_confirmation': True, 'needs_email_confirmation': False, 'email_domain': ''}

ConfirmationExecutor Methods

get_confirmations() -> list[Confirmation]

confirmations = steam_client.confirmations.get_confirmations()
print(confirmations) # [Confirmation: Sell - IDF, Confirmation: Sell - SWAT]

From Confirmation class you can get various details:

first_confirmation = confirmations[0]
print(first_confirmation.conf_id) # 11360346824
print(first_confirmation.conf_type) # 3
print(first_confirmation.data_accept) # Create Listing
print(first_confirmation.creator) # 3792607079523295593
print(first_confirmation.key) # 9359661368473990051
print(first_confirmation.title) # Sell - IDF
print(first_confirmation.receiving) # 200 pуб. (173,92 pуб.)
print(first_confirmation.time) # Just now
print(first_confirmation.icon) #

respond_to_confirmations(confirmations: Iterable[Confirmation], cancel: bool = False) -> bool

status = steam_client.confirmations.respond_to_confirmations(confirmations)
print(status) # True

respond_to_confirmation(confirmation: Confirmation, cancel: bool = False) -> bool

first_confirmation = confirmations[0]
status = steam_client.confirmations.respond_to_confirmation(first_confirmation)
print(status) # True

allow_all_confirmations(types: Iterable[ConfirmationType], delay: int = 3) -> None

guard module functions

generate_one_time_code(shared_secret: str) -> str

from steamcom.guard import generate_one_time_code

secret_code = generate_one_time_code(shared_secret)
print(secret_code) # KPI21

generate_confirmation_key(identity_secret: str, tag: str) -> bytes

generate_device_id(steam_id: str) -> str

market module functions

get_price_history(app_id: str, market_hash_name: str) -> dict

Return parsed graph dots:

    'Oct 05 2022': {
        '21': {'price': 99.435, 'sales': 43},
        '22': {'price': 139.317, 'sales': 270},
        '23': {'price': 162.369, 'sales': 480}
    'Oct 06 2022': {
        '00': {'price': 136.98, 'sales': 1591},
        '01': {'price': 95.765, 'sales': 2486},
        '02': {'price': 128.912, 'sales': 1166},
        '03': {'price': 79.4, 'sales': 3488},
        '04': {'price': 64.853, 'sales': 3509},
        '05': {'price': 48.488, 'sales': 3615},
        '06': {'price': 38.628, 'sales': 4189},
        '07': {'price': 19.867, 'sales': 5858},
        '08': {'price': 14.915, 'sales': 4695},
        '09': {'price': 17.805, 'sales': 3632},
        '10': {'price': 36.602, 'sales': 2347},
        '11': {'price': 39.764, 'sales': 2222},
        '12': {'price': 38.924, 'sales': 2625},
        '13': {'price': 29.821, 'sales': 2613},
        '14': {'price': 29.942, 'sales': 1829},
        '15': {'price': 41.774, 'sales': 1553},
        '16': {'price': 54.72, 'sales': 1312},
        '17': {'price': 77.849, 'sales': 725},
        '18': {'price': 93.34, 'sales': 584},
        '19': {'price': 85.461, 'sales': 668},
        '20': {'price': 87.43, 'sales': 747},
        '21': {'price': 89.098, 'sales': 744},
        '22': {'price': 98.189, 'sales': 1210},
        '23': {'price': 58.792, 'sales': 2255}
    'Oct 07 2022': {
        '00': {'price': 53.943, 'sales': 3456},
        '01': {'price': 48.988, 'sales': 3294},
        '02': {'price': 44.246, 'sales': 3292},
        '03': {'price': 44.246, 'sales': 3058},
        '04': {'price': 47.308, 'sales': 2573},
        '05': {'price': 30.305, 'sales': 3619},
        '06': {'price': 18.789, 'sales': 5698}

get_orders_histogram(item_name_id: str, app_id: str, market_hash_name: str, currency_id: int = None) -> dict

Return parsed histogram dots:

{'buy_order_graph': [
    {'price': 2.67, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 2.66, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 2.6, 'quantity': 4},
    {'price': 2.57, 'quantity': 23},
    {'price': 2.54, 'quantity': 20},
    {'price': 2.5, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 2.49, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 2.02, 'quantity': 3},
    {'price': 1.92, 'quantity': 9},
    {'price': 1.74, 'quantity': 15},
    {'price': 1.65, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 1.53, 'quantity': 2},
    {'price': 1.4, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 1.3, 'quantity': 9},
    {'price': 1.24, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 1, 'quantity': 15},
    {'price': 0.87, 'quantity': 97}],
 'sell_order_graph': [
    {'price': 3.24, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.25, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.27, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.28, 'quantity': 4},
    {'price': 3.29, 'quantity': 2},
    {'price': 3.3, 'quantity': 15},
    {'price': 3.33, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.34, 'quantity': 3},
    {'price': 3.35, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.36, 'quantity': 2},
    {'price': 3.38, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.41, 'quantity': 4},
    {'price': 3.42, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.45, 'quantity': 36},
    {'price': 3.49, 'quantity': 2},
    {'price': 3.5, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.52, 'quantity': 1},
    {'price': 3.56, 'quantity': 2}]}

get_my_market_listings(self, delay: int = 3) -> dict

Return listings

{'buy_orders': {
    '5470862660': {
        'item_link': '',
        'item_name': 'Seething Orbit',
        'market_hash_name': 'Seething Orbit',
        'order_id': '5470862660',
        'price': 6.65,
        'quantity': 5}
 'sell_listings': {
    '3868053667603823025': {
        'buyer_pay': 2.70,
        'created_on': '3 Oct',
        'created_timestamp': 1664733600,
        'description': {
            'amount': '1',
            'app_icon': ...,
            'appid': 570,
            'background_color': '',
            'classid': '521521104',
            'commodity': 0,
            'contextid': '2',
            'currency': 0,
            'descriptions': ...
            'icon_url': ...
            'id': '24699743025',
            'instanceid': '5017446107',
            'market_hash_name': 'Lesser Twin',
            'market_marketable_restriction': 0,
            'market_name': 'Lesser Twin Blade',
            'market_tradable_restriction': 7,
            'marketable': 1,
            'name': 'Lesser Twin Blade',
            'name_color': 'D2D2D2',
            'original_amount': '1',
            'owner': 0,
            'owner_descriptions': ...,
            'status': 2,
            'tradable': 0,
            'type': 'Rare Offhand',
            'unowned_contextid': '2',
            'unowned_id': ...},
        'listing_id': '3868053667603823025',
        'need_confirmation': False,
        'you_receive': '2.36'

create_buy_order(app_id: str, market_hash_name: str, price_single_item: str, quantity: int) -> dict:


{'success': 1, 'buy_orderid': '5465633972'}

create_sell_order(asset_id: str, app_id: str, context_id: str, money_to_receive: str, amount: int = 1) -> dict:


    'email_domain': '',
    'needs_email_confirmation': False,
    'needs_mobile_confirmation': True,
    'requires_confirmation': 1,
    'success': True

cancel_sell_order(sell_listing_id: str) -> None:

cancel_buy_order(buy_order_id) -> dict:


{'success': 1}

check_placed_buy_order(app_id: str, market_hash_name: str) -> None | dict:


    'item_link': '',
    'item_name': 'Seething Orbit',
    'market_hash_name': 'Seething Orbit',
    'order_id': '5470862660',
    'price': 6.65,
    'quantity': 5

get_my_history(events_value: int = 5000, delay: int = 3) -> dict:


        'asset': {
            'actions': ...,
            'amount': '0',
            'app_icon': ...
            'appid': 730,
            'background_color': '',
            'classid': '4839651026',
            'commodity': 1,
            'contextid': '2',
            'currency': 0,
            'descriptions': [...],
            'icon_url': ...,
            'icon_url_large': ...,
            'id': '25979127616',
            'instanceid': '188530139',
            'market_actions': [...],
            'market_hash_name': 'Sticker | jabbi (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022',
            'market_name': 'Sticker | jabbi (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022',
            'market_tradable_restriction': 7,
            'marketable': 1,
            'name': 'Sticker | jabbi (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022',
            'name_color': 'D2D2D2',
            'original_amount': '1',
            'owner': 0,
            'status': 4,
            'tradable': 1,
            'type': 'Remarkable Sticker',
            'unowned_contextid': '2',
            'unowned_id': '25979127616'},
        'currency_id': '2005',
        'date_event': '13 Oct',
        'event_type': 4,
        'listingid': '5152706284695898110',
        'new_asset_id': '27404075264',   # from sold and purchased
        'partner_currency_id': '2005',  # from sold and purchased
        'price': 1.5,
        'purchaseid': '5152706284695898111',
        'steamid_actor': '76561199216758062',
        'time_event': 1665657537,
        'time_event_fraction': 310000000

get_my_history_up_to_date(self, date: datetime, delay: int = 3, attempts: int = 3) -> dict

The response is the same as get_my_history

fee_counter module functions

count(price: float) -> dict


{'steam_fee': 30, 'publisher_fee': 58, 'fees': 87, 'buyer_pay': 676, 'amount': 677, 'seller_receive': 589}