GCNetwork copied to clipboard
strange result of linear combinations mode
In order to make final layer (soft argmin) don't limits the output value. I use linear combinations to predict. (my result is good with your pre-trained model in softargmin)
my hyperparams: { "max_disp": 64, "base_num_filters": 32, "first_kernel_size": 5, "kernel_size": 3, "num_res": 8, "num_down_conv": 4, "resnet": 1, "output": "linear", "act_func": "relu", "h_act_func": "sigmoid", "ds_stride": 2, "padding": "same", "data_format": "channels_last" }
but the result is very strange. I print out the shape and min max
Shape: (1, 320, 320) Min: -37094.2 Max 4468.41 Shape After squeeze: (320, 320)
It seems the output range of GCNetwork is wrong....
Any suggestion? Thanks, Fang