pyIR icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pyIR copied to clipboard

A simple GUI program written in python to gain HEX codes from an IR receiver on a Raspberry Pi

pyIR - IR Remote Control Code Decoder

⚠️ *Note - This software has been modified since its demonstration in the original YouTube video. Please enjoy these improvements or find the original software in the old directory.
⚠️ *This software if for execution on Raspberry Pi and other similar devices.

pyIR is a neat, object oriented library and helper program for making use of infrared receivers with a Raspberry Pi. Find accompanying YouTube video here:

This repository contains the following components:

  • : A custom-written library that can be used in your own projects to interact with IR remotes
  • : A command line utility for retrieving button codes from IR remotes
  • : A graphical utility for retrieving button codes from IR remotes (warning, this has not benefitted from updates yet)

Current limitations:

Unfortunately, only remotes that use the NEC Protocol are currently supported. Hopefully more support will be introduced soon.

CLI Application:

CLI Application Main Screen Load or create a remote object in order to use the other functions. Once you have created a remote object, you may record button codes from your receiver and then save the remote to a file. This definition file can then be used latterly in your own program.

pyIR (module):

This is a custom module which you may use in your own programs. Place the file in your project folder and include import pyIR at the top of your program.

Basic functions:

  • Create a receiver object. This represents your physical sensor.
    mySensor = pyIR.Receiver(pin)
    pin : int - pin number (GPIO.BOARD mode)
  • Create a remote object. A remote will contain a information about different buttons that a remote contains.
    myRemote = pyIR.Remote(name, protocol)
    name - String identifier for remote
    protocol - Protocol class (currently only pyIR.NEC)
  • Create a remote object using information from specified file.
    myRemote = loadRemote(filename)
    filename : path of data file

Receiver functions:

  • getRaw() - Get raw data from sensor in the format (digital state, length (ms))
  • listen(remotes=[]) - Listen for incoming data and reference against all buttons in specified remotes

Remote functions:

  • recordButton(Receiver, buttonNickname) - Record button using the specified receiver object
  • displayButtons(self) - Print a tabular representation of all buttons in the remote
  • saveRemote(filename) - Save the remote object to a text file with the specified path
  • identifyButton(binary) - Return the button object whose binary value matches the provided value