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Hi, I wonder do you know what battery should be connected to this board. I have tried a 3.7v lipo but it does not appear to work. Thanks, Mark
Battery is working but IP5306 key is off ( You can try to connect pin_5 of ip5306 connect to GND and battery power will start But, unfortunately it will stop again in 1 minute ((
So it should work off a 3.7v battery?
Are you suggesting that I connect the battery to a couple of pins on one of the chips on the board?
I have the same problem with the battery always turns off after 35 seconds. (Programming with arduino on Does anyone have a clue?
In order to solve this issue for my board, I connected (soldered wires) pin IO23 (of ESP32) to pin LED2 (of IP5306) and pin IO5 to pin LED1.
My IP5306 supports I2C, so I was able to add this code in my setup() or main() methods: bool ok = setPowerBoostKeepOn(true);
and this is the function that I took from the M5stack project: bool setPowerBoostKeepOn(bool en){ uint8_t data; Wire.beginTransmission(IP5306_ADDR); Wire.write(IP5306_REG_SYS_CTL0); Wire.endTransmission();
if(Wire.requestFrom(IP5306_ADDR, 1))
data =;
if (en) Wire.write(data | BOOST_OUT_BIT);
else Wire.write(data &(~BOOST_OUT_BIT));
return true;
return false;