Lilith Orion Hafner

Results 182 issues of Lilith Orion Hafner

`curl | grep ""`, for example, reveals that the html tag is never closed.


Both links on are bad

Converting a value representable as a UInt64, but not as an Int64 to SafeUInt64 can throw. For example: ```julia julia> SafeUInt64(SafeUInt128(typemax(UInt64))) ERROR: InexactError: trunc(Int64, 0x0000000000000000ffffffffffffffff) Stacktrace: [1] throw_inexacterror(::Symbol, ::Vararg{Any}) @...

Currently, the "Edit on Github" link at is broken (JuliaLang/julia#50035). This PR fixes that link. See also: JuliaLang/julia#51375

MWE: ```julia julia> A = spzeros(BigInt, 3, 3); A[1] = 0; A 3×3 SparseMatrixCSC{BigInt, Int64} with 1 stored entry: 0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ``` This...

Motivating example: ``` julia> Base.infer_effects(ArgumentError, Tuple{String}) (+c,+e,+n,+t,+s,+m,+i) ``` Effect-free statements triggered for precompilation or benchmarking may be false positives.

new test

The symbolic limit algorithm described [here]( has a couple components/dependencies that are useful as standalone functionality. This issue tracks support of those components - [ ] Zero equivalence testing (is...

The function `f(x) == ifelse(x == 0, 0, x)` over the reals is mathematically equal to function `f(x) = x`. It is continuously differentiable wit ha derivative of 1 everywhere....

This is an NFC simplification of control flow. After this merges, I plan to follow up with swapping the order of parse_public and parse_docstring and then adjusting the quote callsites...