Lilith Orion Hafner

Results 154 comments of Lilith Orion Hafner

Update: I have the files locally but I don't know how to share the results. I have 14 85MB .tar.gz files that seem reasonable.

Update 2: here they are, courtesy of WeTransfer:

Don't want to step on @davidanthoff's toes (c.f.

I like this! Are there any shell commands that start with `]`? This is new functionality so it should get tests. I don't know enough about the internals to comment...

As a start, nightlies don't even need a version database. They can just download whatever file lives at `$os_str/$arch_dir/julia-latest-$os_append$arch_append.$extension` See the links on the [download page]( ([This is what I...

For my use cases, yestaday's nightly is just as good as today's, so a time-based approach would be fine. ETags would be great if they could be fetched promptly, but...

That sounds reasonable. I think nightly release channel is one of the few cases where it is acceptable to perform automatic silent background updates (i.e. triggered when a user invokes...

> It turns out that one only needs to `sleep` once in the beginning after the widgets and canvases have been created. It is not necessary to sleep after each...

Does this have any advantages over `InteractiveUtils.clipboard`?

Perhaps this workflow is common enough to let `@benchmark f() g()` expand to `judge(minimum(@benchmark f()), minimum(@benchmark g()))`? Additionally, is there some way to take advantage of knowing the primary goal...