lightning-hpo copied to clipboard
Lightning HPO & Training Studio App
## π Bug Following example_4 the trainer app The database tab is not loading ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1- follow readme to install package and requirements...
## π Feature ### Motivation ### Pitch ### Alternatives ### Additional context
## π Bug ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 1. Run '....' 1. Scroll down to '....' 1. See error #### Code sample ###...
## π Bug better handle quick control/c then rerun ### To Reproduce ``` File "/Users/robertlee/lai/lightning/src/lightning_app/utilities/", line 490, in _sigterm_signal_handler raise LightningSigtermStateException(0) lightning_app.utilities.exceptions.LightningSigtermStateException: 0 ^CError in atexit._run_exitfuncs: Traceback (most recent call...
- running local app with `cloud-compute` isn't throwing an error, we should add a warning that only cloud apps can use that flag - app stays pending with spaces and...
Add support for running in Training Studio App in Kaggle Notebook and upgrade training to the cloud.
## π Feature ### Motivation ### Pitch ### Alternatives ### Additional context
## π Bug Adding a notebook through the UI will cause an error if the works aren't ready yet. We should probably have a spinner / countdown in the app...
## π Feature ### Motivation TODOS: - [ ] Add Drives Metadata to NotebookConfig - [ ] Add Drives parsing to the RunNotebookCommand - [ ] Dynamically create the Drives...
## π Bug ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 1. Run '....' 1. Scroll down to '....' 1. See error #### Code sample ###...
We need complete documentation for the class and parameters.