lightning-hpo copied to clipboard
Lightning HPO & Training Studio App
## 🐛 Bug ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 1. Run '....' 1. Scroll down to '....' 1. See error #### Code sample ###...
## 🐛 Bug ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 1. Run '....' 1. Scroll down to '....' 1. See error #### Code sample ###...
## 🐛 Bug ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 1. Run '....' 1. Scroll down to '....' 1. See error #### Code sample ###...
## 🐛 Bug I was not able to successfully run sweep using the example provided in Training Studio App ### To Reproduce 1. Go to Apps gallery 2. Duplicate training...
## 🐛 Bug I'm not able to run the scripts using wget. I used curl as an alternative. Alternative should be added to the documentation. ### To Reproduce 1. Go...
Tried to clone app from gallery and connect got the following error: ```Installing missing `lightning_hpo` requirement. Storing `delete sweep` at /Users/edenafek/.lightning/lightning_connection/2462/commands/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/edenafek/opt/anaconda3/envs/prod-16117/bin/lightning", line 8,...
## 🐛 Bug Once the user runs all three commands [A) connect to the app command, B) Download example script and C) Run a sweep] UI experiment tab is replaced....
## 🐛 Bug ### To Reproduce TODO: Add support for multi include or exclude. #### Code sample ### Expected behavior ### Environment - PyTorch Version (e.g., 1.0): - OS (e.g.,...
## 🚀 Feature ### Motivation ### Pitch ### Alternatives ### Additional context
## 🚀 Feature ### Motivation ### Pitch ### Alternatives ### Additional context