librephotos icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
librephotos copied to clipboard


Open ragaimeena opened this issue 3 years ago • 23 comments

Describe the enhancement you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Any plans on making this available on Unraid CA repository?

Describe why this will benefit the LibrePhotos A clear and concise explanation on why this will make LibrePhotos better. This will make it more popular and adopted easily.

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the enhancement request here. Thank You

ragaimeena avatar Jun 12 '21 21:06 ragaimeena

Agree! Having this on Unraid's Community Apps page would be very helpful.

jeremytodd1 avatar Feb 22 '22 02:02 jeremytodd1

I cannot do this as I do not have an unraid system. Follow this guide here, send me the xml and then I can write the admin.

derneuere avatar May 09 '22 18:05 derneuere

I have an unraid system, I will read the following and try to provide the needed xml.

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 17:08 Cobbert

I think I did it correctly, but please let me know if changes are needed, its an easy process to get the XML.


***Removed XML to prevent confusion***

Unraid CMD ***removed to prevent confusion***

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 18:08 Cobbert

Thank you very much for this contribution!

I think it should be based on this image here: The singleton image wraps all the different containers into one container, which is more in line with other Unraid Apps.

Here is the documentation on what you can supply to it:

derneuere avatar Aug 07 '22 19:08 derneuere

Perfect, I will compile a new XML using the data provided and post it back here shortly.

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 19:08 Cobbert

Here is updated XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container version="2">
    Support for all types of photos including raw photos&#xD;
    Support for videos&#xD;
    Timeline view&#xD;
    Scans pictures on the file system&#xD;
    Multiuser support&#xD;
    Generate albums based on events like "Thursday in Berlin"&#xD;
    Face recognition / Face classification&#xD;
    Reverse geocoding&#xD;
    Object / Scene detection&#xD;
    Semantic image search&#xD;
    Search by metadata&#xD;
What does it use?&#xD;
    Image Conversion: ImageMagick&#xD;
    Video Conversion: FFmpeg&#xD;
    Exif Support: ExifTool&#xD;
    Face detection: face_recognition&#xD;
    Face classification/clusterization: scikit-learn and hdbscan&#xD;
    Image captioning: im2txt,&#xD;
    Scene classification places365&#xD;
    Reverse geocoding: Mapbox: You need to have an API key. First 50,000 geocode lookups are free every month.&#xD;
  <Category>Cloud: MediaApp:Photos MediaServer:Photos Status:Beta</Category>
    Support for all types of photos including raw photos&#xD;
    Support for videos&#xD;
    Timeline view&#xD;
    Scans pictures on the file system&#xD;
    Multiuser support&#xD;
    Generate albums based on events like "Thursday in Berlin"&#xD;
    Face recognition / Face classification&#xD;
    Reverse geocoding&#xD;
    Object / Scene detection&#xD;
    Semantic image search&#xD;
    Search by metadata&#xD;
What does it use?&#xD;
    Image Conversion: ImageMagick&#xD;
    Video Conversion: FFmpeg&#xD;
    Exif Support: ExifTool&#xD;
    Face detection: face_recognition&#xD;
    Face classification/clusterization: scikit-learn and hdbscan&#xD;
    Image captioning: im2txt,&#xD;
    Scene classification places365&#xD;
    Reverse geocoding: Mapbox: You need to have an API key. First 50,000 geocode lookups are free every month.&#xD;
  <Config Name="Photos" Target="/var/lib/librephotos/photos/" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /var/lib/librephotos/photos/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/librephotos/photos</Config>
  <Config Name="thumbnails" Target="/var/lib/librephotos/data/protected_media/" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /var/lib/librephotos/data/protected_media/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/librephotos/thumbnails</Config>
  <Config Name="logs" Target="/var/log/librephotos/" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /var/log/librephotos/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/librephotos/logs</Config>
  <Config Name="database" Target="/var/lib/postgresql/data/" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /var/lib/postgresql/data/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/librephotos/bd</Config>
  <Config Name="Host Port 1" Target="80" Default="" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 80" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">3000</Config>

Unraid CMD

/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker create --name='Librephotos' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -p '3000:80/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/librephotos/photos':'/var/lib/librephotos/photos/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/librephotos/thumbnails':'/var/lib/librephotos/data/protected_media/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/librephotos/logs':'/var/log/librephotos/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/librephotos/bd':'/var/lib/postgresql/data/':'rw' 'reallibrephotos/singleton'

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 19:08 Cobbert

Report back if anything else needs updating from unraid itself, or if you get this up and I will test it out on my box.

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 19:08 Cobbert

Alright, I wrote the admin and opened up a thread: Lets see if it goes online :)

derneuere avatar Aug 07 '22 20:08 derneuere

Unlike commercial service that store your photos in the cloud and scan/index them to train their machine learning models and collect ad targeting data on you, LibrePhotos keeps all your photos and metadata on your local machine. Your data is never sent to or stored on a 3rd party server. Get the same power as those commercial services without giving up your personal data and privacy.

Just want to say, this is beautiful and why I am into open sourced, self hosted systems. Very well put, I am sure the unraid world will respond well.

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 21:08 Cobbert

Installing the docker to my unraid server now, will report back if it goes well.

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 21:08 Cobbert

Pulling the template, it looks like it used the original XML I posted since it pulled reallibrephotos/librephotos rather then reallibrephotos/singleton, this didn't have any of the containers directories configured by default nor the port mapping I added in the second XML posting.

CMD that was ran, root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='LibrePhotos' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" 'reallibrephotos/librephotos:latest'

This CMD comes from the original posting rather then the second posting.

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 21:08 Cobbert

Alright, do I have to add another file for the CMD command to the repo?

You can also find the file here:

derneuere avatar Aug 07 '22 22:08 derneuere

Oh I copied the wrong one 🤦

derneuere avatar Aug 07 '22 22:08 derneuere

Haha I figured it was just the wrong XML, I am not sure about the CMD, that may have nothing to do with the repo and may be something generated when you add the docker to unraid, but when I generated the XML, it provided it and I figured I should add it along with the XML in case you needed it.

I have never added anything to unraid CA app so im not sure on the proccess.

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 22:08 Cobbert

Updated my other post to keep the thread a bit more clean

Cobbert avatar Aug 07 '22 22:08 Cobbert

Do these updates mean a listing for LibrePhotos is pretty close to happening on Unraid's Community Apps?

jeremytodd1 avatar Aug 08 '22 02:08 jeremytodd1

It was up, but a mixup with the xml happened, so I think it is being updated now, I have been checking to see when it is added to the CA so I can confirm its working as it should.

This was the first time I have attempted a template for unraid, but it was simple and quick, so I imagine it will work just fine once the correct XML code is in place.

Cobbert avatar Aug 08 '22 03:08 Cobbert

Just keep an eye on the recently added section and you should see it pop back up, I was there 5 hours ago but with the wrong xml that uses an incorrect docker-hub image.

Cobbert avatar Aug 08 '22 03:08 Cobbert

I pushed the updated XML yesterday and the doc says, that it should update within a couple of hours. Would be great if you could test it again 👍

derneuere avatar Aug 08 '22 11:08 derneuere

Just checked the CA again, no sign of the template, I will keep the page open and check back frequently and will test again once its live again.

Cobbert avatar Aug 08 '22 20:08 Cobbert

I'm still not seeing it in Community Apps either. I checked a few times yesterday as well and nothing.

jeremytodd1 avatar Aug 09 '22 16:08 jeremytodd1

Just rechecked the CA, still not seeing the template. Will keep checking, for now anyone looking to run with docker on unraid you could possible use the docker-compse add-on for unraid and write in a compose yml for your unraid environment.

Cobbert avatar Aug 10 '22 03:08 Cobbert

It was an invalid XML and I got some help from a moderator of the forum:

I think it should be online in an hour or two.

derneuere avatar Aug 10 '22 19:08 derneuere

Wonderful! I will have a look once I get home from work and if its there, I will run a test. Glad it was an easy fix and you got someone who knows more then we do!

Cobbert avatar Aug 10 '22 19:08 Cobbert

It is live, I am pulling it now, all settings looked perfect when adding it into unraid, so far so good.

Cobbert avatar Aug 10 '22 20:08 Cobbert

I just pulled the image as well. Haven't actually gone into it quite yet.

One thing I want to point out is that it didn't look like it setup the WebUI link correctly. I am not seeing a "WebUI" option in the container's drop down menu.


jeremytodd1 avatar Aug 10 '22 20:08 jeremytodd1

Yes I noticed that too, Ill push a new XML with the link added, Think I just missed that part.

The system port is 3000 and you should be able to hit it at your unraid box ip port 3000, unless you changed the port of course.

Cobbert avatar Aug 10 '22 20:08 Cobbert

Yep, going to :3000 does bring up the WebUi like normal, but the XML should definitely have that as well.

I'm actually stuck on the login page though. I'm assuming the default login is admin:admin, right? That is what I'm attempting, at least.

I check the logs and this is the error that is shown when clicking the "Login" button:

2022-08-10 16:00:55.066 CDT [952] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714

jeremytodd1 avatar Aug 10 '22 21:08 jeremytodd1

OK, I submitted a few pull requests to add the proper URL schema to the XML. WebUI link Dark Icon

New to github, but I think I went about that correctly.

Cobbert avatar Aug 10 '22 21:08 Cobbert

Let me start mine up and see what happens.

Cobbert avatar Aug 10 '22 21:08 Cobbert

Actually I got that issue solved. It was a user error, not container error.

A long while back I did have a Librephotos container setup. I had a left over folder from that instance. After removing that and starting this new container up again I was able to register a new user.

It's now importing my photos successfully it looks like. Great!

jeremytodd1 avatar Aug 10 '22 22:08 jeremytodd1

My install is also working just fine, after having to delete the old folder from first install. Account was created with no issues and photos scanned in.

Cobbert avatar Aug 10 '22 23:08 Cobbert

To get the link to work in the drop down menu, edit the container and add this to WebUI http://[IP]:[PORT:80]

Cobbert avatar Aug 10 '22 23:08 Cobbert

Yep! I know how to fix that but the template should have that included, is all I'm saying.

jeremytodd1 avatar Aug 11 '22 00:08 jeremytodd1

Merged your PRs. If everything is alright, then I would l like to call this done :)

derneuere avatar Aug 11 '22 09:08 derneuere

Ill pull it one more time just to verify its all up to date, but it looks good at first glance.

Cobbert avatar Aug 11 '22 15:08 Cobbert

OK, found one more error, In CA we had a warning about WebUI port mapping, Unraid wants the container port mapped to the WebUI in the template in order to automatically map to whatever host port the end user chooses when adding to unriad from the template.

Push Here

More info Here

after that is fixed, everything should be up to the standards that unraid is asking for.

Notification from unraid in CA Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config

Cobbert avatar Aug 11 '22 16:08 Cobbert

Clean install, nothing in my appdata folder and I get this from my log:

PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.

2022-08-11 20:27:31.247 CEST [256] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 13.7 (Ubuntu 13.7-0ubuntu0.21.10.1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 11.2.0-7ubuntu2) 11.2.0, 64-bit
2022-08-11 20:27:31.247 CEST [256] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2022-08-11 20:27:31.247 CEST [256] LOG: could not bind IPv6 address "::1": Cannot assign requested address
2022-08-11 20:27:31.247 CEST [256] HINT: Is another postmaster already running on port 5432? If not, wait a few seconds and retry.
2022-08-11 20:27:31.252 CEST [256] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2022-08-11 20:27:31.263 CEST [548] LOG: database system was shut down at 2022-08-11 20:27:31 CEST
2022-08-11 20:27:31.272 CEST [256] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2022-08-11 20:27:31.894 CEST [572] FATAL: role "librephotos" does not exist
2022-08-11 20:27:32.656 CEST [652] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91

2022-08-11 20:27:32.656 CEST [652] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" = 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' LIMIT 21
2022-08-11 20:27:32.656 CEST [652] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91

2022-08-11 20:27:32.656 CEST [652] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" = 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' LIMIT 21
2022-08-11 20:27:34.293 CEST [810] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91

2022-08-11 20:27:34.293 CEST [810] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" IN ('ALLOW_REGISTRATION', 'ALLOW_UPLOAD', 'SKIP_PATTERNS', 'HEAVYWEIGHT_PROCESS', 'MAP_API_KEY', 'IMAGE_DIRS')
2022-08-11 20:27:34.295 CEST [810] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91

2022-08-11 20:27:34.295 CEST [810] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" = 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' LIMIT 21
2022-08-11 20:27:34.296 CEST [810] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91

2022-08-11 20:27:34.296 CEST [810] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" = 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' LIMIT 21
2022-08-11 20:27:34.346 CEST [813] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714

2022-08-11 20:27:34.346 CEST [813] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user"
2022-08-11 20:27:35.166 CEST [940] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714

2022-08-11 20:27:35.166 CEST [940] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user"
2022-08-11 20:27:35.195 CEST [943] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714

2022-08-11 20:27:35.195 CEST [943] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user"
2022-08-11 20:27:35.166 CEST [940] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714

2022-08-11 20:27:35.166 CEST [940] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user"
2022-08-11 20:27:35.195 CEST [943] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714

2022-08-11 20:27:35.195 CEST [943] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user"
2022-08-11 20:29:23.677 CEST [946] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91

2022-08-11 20:29:23.677 CEST [946] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" = 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' LIMIT 21
2022-08-11 20:29:23.678 CEST [946] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91

2022-08-11 20:29:23.678 CEST [946] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" = 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' LIMIT 21
2022-08-11 20:29:23.692 CEST [946] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714

2022-08-11 20:29:23.692 CEST [946] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user" WHERE "api_user"."username" = 'admin' LIMIT 21

Plimmer avatar Aug 11 '22 18:08 Plimmer

I got those errors too, but after letting it run for a minute, it seems to come online, think the errors are going to be another issue.

Mine is up and running, photos scan in too, here is my log from unraid.

PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.

2022-08-11 12:12:57.423 PDT [80] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 13.7 (Ubuntu 13.7-0ubuntu0.21.10.1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 11.2.0-7ubuntu2) 11.2.0, 64-bit
2022-08-11 12:12:57.423 PDT [80] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2022-08-11 12:12:57.423 PDT [80] LOG: could not bind IPv6 address "::1": Cannot assign requested address
2022-08-11 12:12:57.423 PDT [80] HINT: Is another postmaster already running on port 5432? If not, wait a few seconds and retry.
2022-08-11 12:12:57.429 PDT [80] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2022-08-11 12:12:57.440 PDT [783] LOG: database system was shut down at 2022-08-11 12:12:57 PDT
2022-08-11 12:12:57.452 PDT [80] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2022-08-11 12:12:57.913 PDT [791] FATAL: role "librephotos" does not exist
2022-08-11 12:13:02.076 PDT [863] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91
2022-08-11 12:13:02.076 PDT [863] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" IN ('ALLOW_REGISTRATION', 'ALLOW_UPLOAD', 'SKIP_PATTERNS', 'HEAVYWEIGHT_PROCESS', 'MAP_API_KEY', 'IMAGE_DIRS')
2022-08-11 12:13:02.079 PDT [863] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91
2022-08-11 12:13:02.079 PDT [863] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" = 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' LIMIT 21
2022-08-11 12:13:02.080 PDT [863] ERROR: relation "constance_config" does not exist at character 91
2022-08-11 12:13:02.080 PDT [863] STATEMENT: SELECT "constance_config"."id", "constance_config"."key", "constance_config"."value" FROM "constance_config" WHERE "constance_config"."key" = 'ALLOW_UPLOAD' LIMIT 21
2022-08-11 12:13:02.220 PDT [866] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714
2022-08-11 12:13:02.220 PDT [866] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user"
2022-08-11 12:13:02.268 PDT [868] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714
2022-08-11 12:13:02.268 PDT [868] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user"
2022-08-11 12:13:02.328 PDT [870] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714
2022-08-11 12:13:02.328 PDT [870] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user"

Cobbert avatar Aug 11 '22 19:08 Cobbert

I have had it running for over an hour now, still get this error every time I try and log in with admin:admin

2022-08-11 21:46:10.287 CEST [1107] ERROR: relation "api_user" does not exist at character 714

2022-08-11 21:46:10.287 CEST [1107] STATEMENT: SELECT "api_user"."id", "api_user"."password", "api_user"."last_login", "api_user"."is_superuser", "api_user"."username", "api_user"."first_name", "api_user"."last_name", "api_user"."email", "api_user"."is_staff", "api_user"."is_active", "api_user"."date_joined", "api_user"."scan_directory", "api_user"."confidence", "api_user"."image_scale", "api_user"."semantic_search_topk", "api_user"."avatar", "api_user"."transcode_videos", "api_user"."nextcloud_server_address", "api_user"."nextcloud_username", "api_user"."nextcloud_app_password", "api_user"."nextcloud_scan_directory", "api_user"."favorite_min_rating", "api_user"."save_metadata_to_disk", "api_user"."datetime_rules", "api_user"."default_timezone" FROM "api_user" WHERE "api_user"."username" = 'admin' LIMIT 21

Plimmer avatar Aug 11 '22 19:08 Plimmer

Are you sure you have nothing in your appdata folder? This sounds like when I tried to reinstall the docker container with existing librephotos folder in my appdata folder.

You should be getting a form to create a new user on the first launch.

On a fresh install, the screenshot below is what you should be seeing. Screenshot

If you do not see it, and it is indeed a fresh install then try hitting refresh a few times, first time around it seemed like my browser was holding the login page in the cache.

Cobbert avatar Aug 11 '22 20:08 Cobbert

I think we are good to call this closed as everything seems to be working on the template side of things.

Cobbert avatar Aug 11 '22 22:08 Cobbert

A restart of the docker was what I needed. I would like to be able to change the amount of workers in the settings maybe?

Plimmer avatar Aug 11 '22 22:08 Plimmer

That would most likely require something to be passed via extra parameters in the template, I can easily add it in if someone can provide what needs to be passed to docker. I do not use librephotos on my unraid box, and I have made that change only via docker .env file.

Cobbert avatar Aug 11 '22 22:08 Cobbert

This seems to be the script that is ran by the singleton docker.


You can get an idea of what the container is doing when you add it here

I don't see where the workers would be configured, someone else will need to help to solve that, and I am not sure if its as simple as just passing the config to docker via the template as of right now.

Cobbert avatar Aug 11 '22 22:08 Cobbert

A restart of the docker was what I needed. I would like to be able to change the amount of workers in the settings maybe?

You can change the number of heavyweight workers in the admin settings. These are the workers who process your images. The number of API workers is currently fixed on the singleton version. Feel free to open up an issue in the librephotos-linux repo about it :)

derneuere avatar Aug 12 '22 09:08 derneuere

Very cool to have this feature now 👍 Thanks again, @Cobbert

derneuere avatar Aug 12 '22 09:08 derneuere