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A CMS/CRM for creating & managing websites and form leads. Using Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Vue, and Inertia JS


About SIGI

Core Stack




  1. Clone the repository

  2. Copy .env.example to .env

    cp .env.example .env
  3. Install dependencies to install Laravel Sail

    composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
  4. Start sail

    ./vendor/bin/sail up
  5. Install composer dependencies

    ./vendor/bin/sail composer install
  6. Install yarn dependencies

    ./vendor/bin/sail yarn
  7. Generate application key

    ./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate
  8. Run database migrations for the landlord/central database

    ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/landlord
  9. Create a sample tenant

    ./vendor/bin/sail artisan tenants:create
    1. For the ID - choose any unique string e.g. tenant
    2. For the domain(s) - choose the subdomain you'd like to use to access the tenant's routes e.g. tenant would result in tenant.localhost
  10. (Optional) Run database seeders for the tenant database

    ./vendor/bin/sail artisan tenants:seed
  11. Migrate tenants

    ./vendor/bin/sail artisan tenants:migrate


Creating settings

This project uses Laravel Settings for it's settings. So the process is inline with the package's documentation.

  1. Create a new settings class
    ./vendor/bin/sail artisan make:settings SettingsName --group=groupName --path=App/Models/Settings/
    1. Add the settings properties to the class
  2. Create the settings migration (note: the path is important here)
    ./vendor/bin/sail artisan make:settings-migration CreateSettingsName database/migrations/tenant
    1. Add the settings to the migration
  3. Add the settings class to the config.settings.settings config file

Preparing for production

  1. Generate the JS translation files (if any have been added/updated)
     ./vendor/bin/sail artisan zora:generate
  2. Production-ify JS/CSS
     ./vendor/bin/sail artisan yarn prod



Design/UI/UX inspiration