Liam Morrow
Liam Morrow
Might be potentially helpful, but it is happening in my Hybrid project too when building for ios with a .json file in my Raw Assets. Here is the run:
That would be great! Yeah documentation and testing are the big issues I'd say. There's basically no test coverage of a lot of the lib, and it would be good...
So making ground on a better example here: It utilizes a couple of the key features which OrgnalR facilitates, and should hopefully work out of the box for people.
Hmm, I'm sorry it's been a couple years and I don't remember. I believe I posted in an existing issue that was marked as complete, but still had the issues....
Ah yeah that's definitely an issue, I'd say even (to a lesser extent) even with the User and Group grains which contain a hashset of the connectionIds. It's potentially worth...
Thanks for that! Gave it a test, and seems to work without issue, releasing 2.3.1 now