## Why I'm doing: ## What I'm doing: Fixes #issue ## What type of PR is this: - [ ] BugFix - [ ] Feature - [x] Enhancement - [...
## Why I'm doing: ## What I'm doing: Fixes #issue ## What type of PR is this: - [x] BugFix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Enhancement - [...
## Why I'm doing: - SchemaTable(information_schema.xxxx) will redirect rpc to FE. - It's expensive to call rpc(eg: information_schema.task_runs/information_schema.materialized_views) if there are too many meta infos which may cause timeout in...
## Why I'm doing: ## What I'm doing: Fixes #issue ## What type of PR is this: - [x] BugFix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Enhancement - [...
## Why I'm doing: After PR ( , we can do more things. ## What I'm doing: Fixes #issue ## What type of PR is this: - [x] BugFix -...
## Why I'm doing: ## What I'm doing: Fixes #issue ## What type of PR is this: - [ ] BugFix - [ ] Feature - [x] Enhancement - [...
## Why I'm doing: ## What I'm doing: Fixes #issue ## What type of PR is this: - [ ] BugFix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Enhancement -...
## Why I'm doing: ## What I'm doing: Fixes #issue ## What type of PR is this: - [x] BugFix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Enhancement - [x]...
- [x] - [x] ## Enhancement Since StarRocks OLAP table has supported List Partition, we should support creating list partition mv if its ref base table is list...
## Why I'm doing: - date_trunc('week', dt) is not supported for creating mv for now. ## What I'm doing: - Support date_trunc with week granularity for asychronized materialized view Fixes...