You can checkout my [repo](https://github.com/Lexpeartha/nuxt-xstate) which had that right-side outline before bumping to the new alpha. I'm assuming something changed internally, since I changed nothing in the actual markdown?
Hey @NyllRE, I've created NyllRE/ionic-nuxt-3#1 which hopefully resolves your issues. Firstly, it seems that using pug didn't properly work with ionic (might be related to nuxt/nuxt.js#14366). After externalizing vue dependencies...
also you don't need `IonPage` in your `UiTabs.vue` component
Hmm, have you tried out my PR? If It still doesn't work, I would appreciate a reproduction
Let me clarify, you tried cloning [my fork] and it still doesn't work? For me it worked fine, pnpm just threw few warnings and that's about it. If you could...
Yes, but my fork needs no modifications I've already added them. Did you try it by itself, without making modifications?
Can confirm that this only happens when using flatpak. When installed via official `.tar.gz` it recognizes the font correctly 👍🏽
Workaround is to manually import `createMachine` from `xstate-vue2/lib/fsm`, where needed, which should override faulty auto-import
This might've been fixed in #30, although I'm not sure If someone could test it out and tell the results here, it would be immensely helpful 👍🏽
> Also working on a static site to incorporate both years into one page this will enable a future proof in adding more content related to this. Not sure if...