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Termux-Apktool copied to clipboard

Decompile and Recompile android aplication use termux without openjdk installed

Results 8 Termux-Apktool issues
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I don't know what to do I was trying to decompile with apktool d apkname

Input file (V8.6_1.4.apk) was not found or was not readable.

When i try to decode the target app in /sdcard directory. The error happens, it deletes whole file system in internal storage. I had lost everything i started to do....

Epic! they throw on me a "Aborted" on non-root... and i get root using "tsudo" method, something a directory is missing out there... ![Screenshot_2021-05-20-00-22-20-642_com termux](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16409238/118849058-f1564200-b901-11eb-804d-200a722d2c88.png)

Hi, I'm not able to read and change AndroidManifest.xml, it is unreadable, steps to reproduce: apktool d myapp.apk When I enter the directory of the extracted apk AndroidManifest is not...

It'd be awesome if this could be upgraded to the latest version of ApkTool. Currently the latest build is 2.4.1 and the latest source version is 2.4.2.

When I type "apktool b myfile/ --output out.apk" it gives an error saying : /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/dalvikvm: 8: exec: /system/bin/dalvikvm: not found