android_kernel_xiaomi_alioth icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
android_kernel_xiaomi_alioth copied to clipboard

Android kernel with Qualcomm CLO and Xiaomi code for Redmi K40 (alioth)

Linux 4.19 kernel for Redmi K40 (alioth/in)

Source code mirrors

Because of CGF (China's Great Firewall), the latest code of this kernel has been moved to Codeberg now. But all of mirrors will auto sync from the repo at Codeberg.

Please visit Codeberg page for getting the latest download and changes.


  • Linux Upstream: 4.19.y/4.19.280
  • ACK code branch: android-4.19-stable/4.19.279
    • Extra: android-trusty-4.19
  • CLO code tag: LA.UM.9.12.r1-15200.02-SMxx50.0
  • KernelSU version: 10731
  • CPU Freq: Ondemand
  • Xiaomi drivers.


  • None for now.


In Recovery

Before start, TWRP and the Recovery based on it are recommended.

Do not flash dtbo.img file if you are using MIUI.

  1. Goto Releases page and download file from the latest release.
  2. Push file to your phone. (Skip if your have download it on your phone).
  3. Reboot into Recovery mode, flash (aka install) the zip file, and reboot your phone.
  4. Enjoy it.

Flash boot.img

  1. Goto Releases page and download Image file from the latest release.
  2. Unpack the boot.img which file you want to replace the kernel with lmperf kernel.
  3. Copy and replace Image/kernel file (with same name) to unpacked boot.img directory.
  4. Repack the boot.img file with replaced kernel file.
  5. Reboot into Bootloader mode, flash boot.img to the boot partition of your phone.

BUG Report

Please go to the Codeberg page.

The issue which issued on Github maybe not be solved at time.