amazon copied to clipboard
Amazon Analysis
not complete, i'm working on the documentation..
- what do you need to run the scripts
- how to access the visualizations
- check requirements.txt
This Repository is a collection of different explorative analyses and (some) visualizations with the Amazon Clickstream Data. This project began with the question by Kattascha, if i can have a look inside her Amazon Data, which she previously requested via DSGVO.
She asked me what kind of data is inside the clickstream and what information i can get from her, beside the purchased products. I handled the data with the best of my knowledge. If there are any mistakes, submit an issue. If your requested data is different from the one i had, let us know!
I do not plan to make a "non-tech friendly" version of the analyses and visualizations in the near feature. Sorry, but i don't know where to start in terms of usability.
- Kattaschas Blog - Approach on How to get your Data GERMAN
- Talk about the Amazon Data - Archäologische Studien im Datenmüll You can switch between German or English and French Translation
What do you need?
- Python 3
- pip - Python Package Manager
- Jupyter Notebook
- Install Python Packages in folder
withpip install -r requirements.txt
How to Analyse
Scripts for analysis and data export
List Dimensions
File: 01_first_impression.ipynb
Activities and Orders
File: 02_clean_data_activities_orders_and_books.ipynb
Location Detection
I prefer coding my Visualizations in pure D3js. The library in version 5.7 is inside the lib/
folder. You can use d3.js
for development, since you have a nice error stack and d3.min.js
for production.
Activity vs Orders
Library Time
Save Images
- save as png? -> screenshot
- as svg (easy)-> SVG Crowbar
- as svg (advanced) -> copy svg snippet from dom and save in file
Copied Documentation provided by Amazon
Column Name | Column Explanation |
HIT_DATETIME_UTC | Time of the page visit, in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) |
LEGAL_ENTITY_ID | ID of market Place (e.g. = 103) |
HIT_DATETIME | Time of the page visit, in local time |
HIT_DAY | Day of the page visit. |
SESSION_ID | The ID used to identify the customer's clickstream data. Non persistent ID re-assigned per session. |
SESSION_TYPE | Type 1: RecognizedShoppingSessions |
. | Type 2: UnrecognizedShoppingSessions |
. | Type 3: PotentialShoppingSessions |
. | Type 4: NonShoppingSessions. |
CUSTOMER_ID | represents customer number to relate visitor to account |
TAB_NAME | TAB_NAME = Store name. It is the tab that is highlighted at the top of the page and shows the store when you are viewing a page. |
REF_MARKER_ADD_TYPE | The type of ref marker associated with the add: |
. | Cart Adds: 0 |
. | Wishlist Adds: 1 |
. | Baby Registry Adds: 2 |
. | Wedding Registry Adds: 3 |
. | Gift List Adds: 4 |
REF_MARKER_ADDED_ASIN | This is the ASIN (article number) associated with an AddEvent (see line above) that has been attributed to a ref-marker. |
SHORTENED_URL | Shortened version of the URL without product and session information |
URL_ADD_TYPE | The type of add : |
. | 0 Cart |
. | 1 Wishlist |
. | 2 Registry |
. | 3 Registry. |
. | Often same as ref_marker_add_type. |
URL_ADDED_ASIN | Article (ASIN) associated with an AddEvent. |
DEPART | Value of 1 indicates that the customer ended their web browsing on Amazon for the day, but does not provide any information about their subsequent activity. |
SHORTENED_TO_URL | Next page viewed on Amazon website. This follows the same truncation rules as the ShortenedURL. |
SHORTENED_FROM_URL | Previous page viewed on Amazon website. This follows the same truncation rules as the ShortenedURL. |
UBID | The UBID is used to to personalize the WebSite for the user to generate a better user experience. |
CLICK_ID | This is the unique ID that we give each click per session per day. |
CUST_SESSION_RECOGNITION_CODE | This describes whether or not a session was recognized. A session is recognized if every hit in the session was recognized. A session is unrecognized if every hit in the session was unrecognized. A session is mixed if the hits are a combination of the two. |
. | 0 => recognized |
. | 1 => unrecognized |
. | 2 => mixed |
PAGE_ACTION | page-action describes page requests (example: AddToCart). |
HTTP_REQUEST_ID | A RequestId is generated for every website hit. This can be used to uniquely identify every request. It is usually emitted in all related logs (e.g. error log, query log), allowing you to join across many log entries, sometimes even across services. |
REFERRER_URL | The URL from which the user came to be on this page. The URL that referred to this page. |
FROM_TAB_NAME | Store of the previous page hit. It is the tab that is highlighted at the top of the page on the session's previous hit. |
TO_TAB_NAME | Store of the next page hit. It is the tab that is highlighted at the top of the page on the sessions next hit. |
IS_REDIRECT | Indicates whether the hit was a redirect or not. Value is '0' or '1'. |
IP1 | First number in an IP address. For example, in “”, the value is 128. |
IP2 | Second number in an IP address. |
IP3 | Third number in an IP address. |
PAGE_RENDER_TIME_MS | The number of milliseconds it took to render the page. |
WEBSERVER | The name of the web server which served the hit / page. |
IS_FIRST_VIEWED_PAGE | IsFirstViewedPage is set to 1 for the first non-redirect page in a session. |
PAGE_RENDERED_LANGUAGE_CODE | The language code associated with the rendered page. |
SUB_STORE_NAME | The SubStoreName corresponds to the Sub-Nav bar that is highlighted for the user. |
VISIT_START_DATETIME | Logs time and date of the customer’s visit relevant for the client program. Used only in relation to client program. |
HIT_TYPE | Type of the page hit. Values include |
. | ASIN 0 |
. | PAGE_VIEW 1 |
. | REDIRECT 2 |
. | POPUP 3 |
. | to distinguish between user interaction and programmatic page hits |
PAGE_ASSEMBLY_METHOD | This field describes how the Page View was generated, as a page often contains elements from various sources. |
MARKETPLACE_ID | Unique identifier for a marketplace,e.g. Germany is 4 |
IS_INTERNAL | 1 = indicates an internal IP address, 0 = not. |
USER_AGENT_ID | Standard browser field indicating browser used. |
MAIN_IMAGE_SIZE | The dimensions, in pixels, of the main image of the ASIN associated with the page. |
IS_PRIME_CUSTOMER | Indicates if the Customer_Id indicated is a Prime Customer. |
SITE_VARIANT | Differentiates App vs. Browserto correctly format pages. |
COUNTRY_OF_RESIDENCE | Represents the country of the traffic's source |
GEO_IP_COUNTRY_CODE | Country code generated based on geoIP mapping (e.g. US or "untrusted" if unclear) |
GEO_IP_STATE_CODE | State code generated from geoIP mapping (eg. US-NU or "untrusted" if unclear) |
GEO_IP_ISP_NAME | Internet service provider name based on first 3 octets of IP address |
CLIENT_PROGRAM | Used to check whether specific offers where available for end user device |
PROGRAM_REGION_ID | Used for Prime and Fresh context to offer products and delivery details as actually available within region of customer |
REFERRER_REQUEST_ID | Points to the page visited on Amazon directly before the current page. Identifier used i) on Amazon and ii) within the same session only. Is required to improve the presentation of the current page in context with the previous one (e.g. view a product and then the delivery details page). |
IS Business Customer | Used to adapt pages and context for business users, in particular needed for navigation purposes and to adapt pricing information (value added tax) to business customer requirements and expectations. |