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One cloud lab a day challenge for the last 100 days of 2021
100 days in Cloud
One lab a day with AWS cloud services.
Table of Contents
About The Project
- Built With
Getting Started
- AWS learning options
- Recommended prerequisites
- List of labs
- License
- Contact
- Acknowledgements
About The Project

Built With
Getting Started
To get started with AWS you'll either create a new Free Tier account or start one of the paid services that offer labs and sandboxes. You’ll find some examples in Paid AWS learning options section. The advantage of the paid services is that you’ll get the labs with clear instructions, in some cases guidance and a sandbox, that is provided AWS account where you can deploy services without worrying about additional costs.
Paid AWS learning options
Here’s a list of services used as a source of labs:
- A Cloud Guru - paid with some free options
- WhizLabs - paid with some free options
- Udemy course Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 - paid
And some free ones:
Recommended prerequisites
- Install Visual Studio Code for writing JSON,YAML files or Lambda functions
- Install AWS Command Line Interface from here for command line labs
- verify the installation by running this command in Command Prompt or Terminal:
aws --version
- configure you're AWS CLI with your credentials, here's more info
aws configure
List of labs
List of Labs in the repository (will be growing as time passes towards the end of 2021) in countdown order:
- Day 100 - Using EC2 Roles and Instance Profiles in AWS
- Day 99 - Deploy an Amazon RDS Multi-AZ and Read Replica in AWS
- Day 98 - AWS IoT - ESP32-CAM and Rekognition
- Day 97 - Build a real time data streaming system with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
- Day 96 - Running Lambda on a Schedule
- Day 95 - CloudWatch event for RDS backup to DynamoDB
- 96 - Running Lambda on a Schedule
- 95 - CloudWatch event for RDS backup to DynamoDB
- 94-React-App-On-S3-and-CloudFront
- 93-Docker-Flask-App-with-Aurora
- 92-Moving Route 53 DNS to Lightsail
- 91-Create-VPC-EC2-for-website-with-CLI
- 90-CloudFront-for-dynamic-websites
- 89-API-Gateway-with-parameters
- 88-DynamoDB-Stream-using-Lambda
- 87-Create-API-based-visitors-counter
- 86-JavaScript-Visitors-Counter-with-API
- 85-CICD-Deploy-App-CodePipeline-CodeBuild
- 84-Static-Website-with-CloudFront-Distribution
- 83-Provisioning-EC2-with-CloudFormation
- 82-Lambda-triggered-from-SQS
- 81-SAM-with-CodeDeploy
- 80-Amazon-Rekognition-CDK-deployed
- 79-Create&Deploy-App-CodeDeploy-CodePipeline
- 78-Deploy-App-on-ECS-using-CodeDeploy
- 77-Install-Python-Modules-Using-Cloud9
- 76-ENI-Multiple-IPs-on-EC2
- 75-Launch-Windows-EC2-and-connect-using-RDC
- 74-Blue-Green-Deployments-with-Elastic-Beanstalk
- 73-Host-Static-S3-website-with-CloudFront
- 72-Terraform-launch-NGINX-on-EC2
- 71-Amazon-Lex-create-a-bot
- 70-SAM-Iac-Website-with-CloudFront-1
- 69-Highly-Available-Web-App-and-Bastion-Host-on-EC2
- 68-Storing-ELB-Access-Logs-in-S3-bucket
- 67-SAM-IaC-Website-with-CloudFront-2
- 66-Data-in-S3-for-Analytics-in-Athena
- 65-S3-triggering-Lambda-on-events
- 64-Amazon-EC2-ASG-and-ALB
- 63-Mounting-EFS-to-EC2
- 62-Create-EC2-using-Snapshot-and-AMI
- 61-DynamoDB-and-Lambda
- 60-Elastic-Beanstalk-and-CodePipeline
- 59-Auto-Scaling-Group-with-Load-Balancer
- 58-Create-VPC-with-IGW-and-Route-Table
- 57-Securing-VPC-using-Private&Public-subnets
- 56-High-Availability-VPC
- 55-Roles-and-Groups-using-IAM
- 54-ELB-Network-Load-Balancer-Challenge
- 53-Docker-on-Linux
- 52-Create-RDS-DB-connect-using-Systems-Manager
- 51-EC2-Auto-Scaling-Challenge
- 50-Scheduling-Lambda-using-EventBridge
- 49-React-App-on-Amplify
- 48-Terraform-Nginx-webserver-VPC-subnets
- 47-Terraform-Advanced-VPC-ALB-EC2
- 46-ALB-with-ASG-in-EC2
- 45-Terraform-Modules-WebApp-API-VPC-ALB-EC2
- 44-AWS-Config-Rules
- 43-Terraform-remote-and-lock-S3-DynamoDB-Challange
- 42-CloudTrail-Events-with-CloudWatch
- 41-CloudSearch-App
- 40-SageMaker-Notebooks-Machine-Learning
- 39-SQS Queue Creation Challenge
- 38-Solutions-Architect-Associate-Certification-Challenge
- 37-ENI-Multiple-IPs-on-EC2
- 36-EBS-Challenge
- 35-VPC-Challenge
- 34-Automating-EBS-snapshots-with-Lambda
- 33-Encrypt-RDS-DB-Instance
- 32-DynamoDB-triggers-with-Lambda
- 31-RDS-DB-Challange
- 30-SNS-Image-Resizing-Challenge
- 29-Using-EC2-Spot-Instances
- 28-Manage-Message-Queues-Using-SQS
- 27-Fan-Out-Orders-using-SNS-and-SQS
- 26-Create-VPC-with-CloudFormation
- 25-Layered-Security-in-VPC
- 24-Lambda-Custom-Runtimes-to-Run-Bash-Commands
- 23-Manage-Authentication-with-Cognito
- 22-Directory-Service-working-with-Simple-AD
- 21-Deploy-Highly-Available-Website-with-Terraform
- 20-React-Voting-App-on-EC2
- 19-Real-time-data-streaming-with-Kinesis-Data-Stream-and-Agent
- 18-Export-RDS-DB-Snapshot-to-S3
- 17-Serverless-Container-App-On-Fargate
- 16-Monitoring-EC2-with-CloudWatch
- 15-Deploy-Wordpress-using-CloudFormation
- 14-DynamoDB-Global-Secondary-Index
- 13-Query-RDS-DB-with-Lambda
- 12-Predicting-Time-Series-Data-With-Forecast
- 11-Deploy-DocumentDB-cluster
- 10-Aggregating-Data-with-Managed-Streaming-for-Apache-Kafka
- 09-Application-Load-Balander-for-ECS
- 08-Deploy-WordPress-on-EKS-Kubernetes-Cluster
- 07-S3-Events-With_lambda
- 06-S3-Object-Lambda
- 05-Accessing-DynamoDB-using-API-Gateway
- 04-Deploy-Scalability-using-CloudFormation
- 03-Storing-and-Rotating-RDS-Credentials-in-Secrets-Manager
- 02-Running-queries-using-Redshift
- 01-Deploy-Infrastructure-with-Terraform
- 00-CloudFormation-Stack-Update
Distributed under the MIT License.
My blog
Cloud Resume Challenge
Project Link: https://github.com/CloudedThings/100-Days-in-Cloud