Additions are as follows: - Update scales (replace 36 with 32, add 64, 80 and 112) Design sheet can be found here:https://zpl.io/anyrLQO
Visual updates are as follows: Check Box: - Updated selected state. Radio Button: - Sizing of shapes udpated. Design sheet can be found here:https://app.zeplin.io/project/5a8c458b6e231fc65bddbdfb/dashboard?seid=5ac4931f0bca10ad7ebc07ca
Updated Busy Indicator style, color, and variations. Design sheet can be found here: https://app.zeplin.io/project/5a8c458b6e231fc65bddbdfb/dashboard?seid=5cb0bd6664cc4c61491a0900
Addition of Alert variations. - Add text only variation. - Add wrapping text variation. Design sheet can be found here: https://app.zeplin.io/project/5a8c458b6e231fc65bddbdfb/dashboard?seid=5c61a6e1015f1e11aa68832b
Update Grid as follows: - Grid has updated columns per page size. - Margins at larger screen sizes has increased to 48px. Design sheet can be found here: https://zpl.io/2pvon0o
There is no design documentation from GD yet. Proceed with previous version.
Design sheet can be found here: https://app.zeplin.io/project/5a8c458b6e231fc65bddbdfb/dashboard?seid=5b1957268c9186ad2f22a94a
Work on content to add more information and meaning to this page. Something like what we have in the Sketch file with steps to get Devs started.
Create some kind of information and visual treatment for this landing page.
Create design and content for landing page.