if user creates a wire graph that has components that are overlaping one another, saves the graph, goes to e.g. Packages and then returns, the wire graph is rearranged so...
Component names in wires are not limited, which can cause browser to stop responging or crash. I suggest this gets limited to e.g. 255 characters, because this is more than...
if user minimizes Kura UI to a minimum, tries to create a new Wire component and then upscales the UI back to "normal" parameters, only half of it is black...
When trying to create an item with a long non-unique name Kura reports a warning, which is Ok, but the text is not properly shown 'see screenshot bellow). **Testflow:** 1....
If you delete the default CloudConnection "org.eclipse.kura.cloud.CloudService", you cannot create it again (see screenshot bellow). **Testflow:** 1. Login to Kura as admin/admin 2. Go to Cloud Connections, delete the default...
There are several different pop-ups for Warnings, some are light yellow, some are red - I suggest this gets unified (see screenshots bellow). **Testflow No. 1:** 1. Login to Kura...
When user clicks on a certain component in wire graph to see its options, the whole screen shifts, because the bottom window is too wide (see the GIF bellow). **Testflow:**...
If user installs for example Wires-developmnet-component package, creates a wire component and later deletes the package from Kura, there is an error message bellow the wire graph. The problem is...
If user navigates to some service that he selects on the left side (e.g. Wire graph), that item does not get "non-selectable", so if user creates a component or changes...
When creating for example "org.eclipse.kura.cloud.CloudService" or "org.eclipse.kura.cloudconnection.eclipseiot.mqtt.ConnectionManager" cloud connections, there is an example in the input field that shows, how the field should be populated or rather in what form...