Corth copied to clipboard
It's like Porth, but in C++. Yep, we're going full circle.
It's like Porth, which is like Forth but written in Python, but written in C++. But I don't actually know for sure since I never programmed in Porth or Forth, I only heard that they are some sort of stack-based programming language. Corth is also stack-based programming language. Which makes it just like Porth, just like Forth, am I rite?
Corth is:
- [x] A stack based programming language
- [x] Turing complete (see rule 110 example)
- [x] Compileable to a dynamic executable linked with the C RunTime, cross-platform
- [x] Totally awesome
Get the latest release here
WARNING: Corth uses the system function within C++ to run external commands on your computer. These commands can be affected by user input, so running corth has the potential to run any command on your system if you tell it to, including malicious ones. Be sure to check and double check any commands you see that use the -a
or -l
compiler options, as these tell Corth to run a different command than the default. Every command run by Corth is echoed to the standard out with a '[CMD]' prefix.
Table of Contents
How to Write in Corth
- A Simple Example
- Hello, World
- Conditional Branching
- Loops
- Complications
- Stack Notation
- Operators
- Keywords
- How to use Corth
- How to compile Corth from source
How to write in Corth
Corth, like Porth (like Forth), is a stack based language.
This means that in order to do any operation, a value must be pushed onto the stack.
Think of this as a literal stack of objects.
Likely, the operation will take it's arguments from the top of the stack, or pop
from the stack, and sometimes it will return a value or two back onto it, which is called pushing
on to the stack.
A Simple Example
Take a look at this example in Corth:
34 35 + #
It is a basic Corth program that will add two numbers together, and then display the sum to the console.
Expected output for the above program when run:
Let's break down how it works piece-by-piece:
Step | Code | Description |
1 | 34 |
A value is pushed on to the stack, meaning stacked on top. |
2 | 35 |
Another value is pushed on to the stack. |
3 | + |
The + symbol will pop the two most-recent values off the stack, add them, then push the sum on to the stack. |
4 | # |
The # symbol will dump from the stack, aka pop a value off and then print it to the console. |
Stack breakdown by step:
0. []
1. [34]
2. [34][35]
3. [69]
4. []
- Operator: +
- Operator: #
Best practices in Corth indicate that the stack should be empty by the end of the program.
To Top
Hello, World!
String literals are now supported in Corth; this makes printing a string to the console as simple as dumping with the _s
suffix indicating a string format should be used.
"Hello, World!\n" dump_s
As you can see, Corth supports some escaped characters within strings.
They are \n
, \r
, and \t
, to be exact.
You can also dump single characters using an ASCII code like so:
10 dump_c
Expected output:
Hello, World!
- Keyword: dump
To Top
Conditional Branching
Let's look at a slightly more complicated example program:
500 80 - 420 = if
69 #
420 #
This program should first evaulate 500 - 80
, then compare if that sum is equal to 420
. If true, print 69. If false, print 420.
Expected output:
Let's break down how it works piece-by-piece:
Step | Code | Description |
1 | 500 80 - |
Push two values on to the stack, subtract them, then push the result on to the stack. |
2 | 420 |
Push 420 onto the stack |
3 | = |
Use the equality comparison operator; it pops two values off the stack, compares them, then pushes back a 1 if they are equal or a 0 if they aren't. |
4 | if |
Pop the condition just pushed onto the stack, jump to else /endif if it is false, otherwise, like in this case, fall-through to next instruction. |
5 | 69 # |
Push a value onto the stack, then dump it to console output. |
6 | else |
Label to jump to if if condition is false. Label to jump over to endif if if condition is true. |
7 | 420 # |
This would push a value onto the stack, then dump it to console output, however it will be jumped over due to the if condition evaluating to true. |
8 | endif |
Label to jump to if if condition is false and no else label is present or if if condition is true and an else label is present. |
To Top
Corth now fully supports loops! Check out the following example:
while dup 30 <= do
dup dump // Print loop counter without destroying it
10 dump_c // Print a newline character
1 + // Increment loop counter
This program will print every whole number from 1
to 30
, each being on a new line.
Let's break down how it works:
Step | Code | Description |
1 | 1 |
Push a one onto the stack to initialize the loop counter. |
2 | while |
Generate an address to jump to upon reaching endwhile. |
3 | dup 30 <= |
Push a boolean condition on the stack comparing whether the last item on the stack (duplicated) is less than or equal to 30 . |
4 | do |
Pop the condition just pushed onto the stack, jump just past endwhile (step 7) if it is zero, otherwise, like in this case, fall-through to next instruction. |
5 | dup # |
Duplicate the top-most value onto the stack, then dump the duplicate to console output. This prints the current loop counter, as that is what's on the stack. |
6 | 1 + |
Add 1 to top-most value on the stack. This increments the loop counter. |
7 | endwhile |
Upon reaching, jump back to while (step 2) and continue execution from there. |
It is known that this program will trigger a stack validator warning, telling us that the stack at the end of the program is not empty.
With programs as simple as these, it's okay to do, however best practices indicate that the stack should be empty by the end of the program.
To Top
For a more complex example, see rule 110
- Keyword: mem
- Keyword: load
- Keyword: store
To Top
- Stack Notation
- Operators
- Keywords
Stack Notation
The stack notation of the Corth documentation is quite simple.
A stack item is surrounded in square brackets.
The arrow '->' indicates a before and after view of the stack.
Example of a notation with no effect on the stack:
[] -> []
Example of a notation that pushes a value, a
, on to the stack:
[] -> [a]
Example of a notation that pops two values and pushes the sum of them on to the stack:
[a][b] -> [a + b]
To Top
An operator will take value(s) from the stack and optionally push some back on. The amount of values removed/added from/to the stack by a given operator can be seen by the stack notation in the following table. For further information on the operator, click on the link to be directed to a more verbose definition of the operator, down below.
Operator | Stack Notation | Description |
# | [a] -> [] |
Print value on top of stack formatted as unsigned integer. |
+ | [a][b] -> [a + b] |
Sum two elements on top of stack. |
- | [a][b] -> [a - b] |
Subtract two elements on top of stack. |
* | [a][b] -> [a * b] |
Multiply two elements on top of stack. |
/ | [a][b] -> [a / b] |
Divide two elements on top of stack, push quotient. |
% | [a][b] -> [a % b] |
Divide two elements on top of stack, push remainder. |
= | [a][b] -> [a == b] |
Compare if equal top two elements of stack. |
> | [a][b] -> [a > b] |
Compare greater than top two elements of stack. |
< | [a][b] -> [a < b] |
Compare less than top two elements of stack. |
>= | [a][b] -> [a >= b] |
Compare greater than or equal top two elements of stack. |
<= | [a][b] -> [a <= b] |
Compare less than or equal top two elements of stack. |
<< | [a][b] -> [a << b] |
Shift bits of a left by b bits. |
>> | [a][b] -> [a >> b] |
Shift bits of a right by b bits. |
&& | [a][b] -> [a && b] |
Bitwise and on top two elements of stack. |
|| | [a][b] -> [a || b] |
Bitwise or on top two elements of stack. |
'#' - DUMP
Humankind's best friend; pops a single value, a
, off the stack, then prints a
to the console formatted as an unsigned integer.
For alternate formats, see related.
[a] -> []
- Keyword: dump
- dump keywords
420 #
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
'+' - ADD
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack, then pushes the sum of those values.
[a][b] -> [a + b]
- No equivalents
- No related
34 35 +
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack, then pushes the difference of those values.
[a][b] -> [a - b]
- No equivalents
- No related
500 80 -
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack, then pushes the product of those values.
[a][b] -> [a * b]
- No equivalents
- No related
23 3 *
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
'/' - DIVIDE
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack, then pushes the quotient of those values.
[a][b] -> [a * b]
- No equivalents
- No related
1260 3 /
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
'%' - MODULO
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack, then pushes a
modulo b
on to the stack.
A modulus operation entails dividing, yet the result is the remainder, not the quotient.
[a][b] -> [a % b]
- Keyword: mod
- No related
18 15 %
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
'=' - EQUAL
Pops two values off of the stack then pushes a 1
if the values are equal, or a 0
[a][b] -> [a == b]
- No equivalent
- Conditional Branching
5 5 * 25 =
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack then pushes a 1
if a
is larger than b
, or a 0
[a][b] -> [a > b]
- No equivalent
- Conditional Branching
105 4 * 300 >
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack then pushes a 1
if a
is smaller than b
, or a 0
[a][b] -> [a < b]
- No equivalent
- Conditional Branching
105 5 - 420 <
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack then pushes a 1
if a
is larger than or equal to b
, or a 0
[a][b] -> [a >= b]
- No equivalent
- Conditional Branching
105 4 * 420 >=
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack then pushes a 1
if a
is smaller than or equal to b
, or a 0
[a][b] -> [a <= b]
- No equivalent
- Conditional Branching
34 35 + 69 <=
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack then pushes bits of a
shifted left by b
amount of bits.
[a][b] -> [a << b]
- Keyword: shl
- No related
1 3 <<
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack then pushes bits of a
shifted right by b
amount of bits.
[a][b] -> [a >> b]
- Keyword: shr
- No related
32 2 >>
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
'&&' - AND
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack, then pushes the bitwise-and of the two values.
[a][b] -> [a && b]
- Keyword: and
- No related
9 3 &&
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
'||' - OR
Pops two values, a
and b
, off of the stack, then pushes the bitwise-or of the two values.
[a][b] -> [a || b]
- Keyword: or
- No related
9 3 ||
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Operators
To Definitions
To Top
Keyword | Notation | Description |
if | [a] -> [] |
Jump to else /endif only if popped value is equal to zero. |
else | [] -> [] |
Inside this block is what will be ran if if condition is false. |
endif | [] -> [] |
Required block-ending-symbol for if keyword. |
do | [a] -> [] |
Jumps just past endwhile if popped value is zero. |
while | [] -> [] |
Generates a label for endwhile to jump to. |
endwhile | [] -> [] |
Generates a label for do to jump to upon false condition. |
dup | [a] -> [a][a] |
Duplicate top of stack. |
twodup | [a][b] -> [a][b][a][b] |
Duplicate two items on top of stack. |
drop | [a] -> [] |
Deletes the top-most item off the stack. |
swap | [a][b] -> [b][a] |
Pushes two popped values back in reverse order. |
over | [a][b] -> [a][b][a] |
Pushes the stack item below the top on to the top. |
dump | [a] -> [] |
Equivalent to # operator. |
dump_c | [a] -> [] |
Pops a value off the stack, then prints it formatted as a char. |
dump_s | [a] -> [] |
Pops a value off the stack, then prints it formatted as a string. |
mem | [] -> [addr] |
Pushes the address of the usable memory in Corth. |
store |
[addr][a] -> [] |
Stores the popped value at popped memory address. |
load |
[addr] -> [a] |
Pushes the value read at popped address on to the stack. |
shl | [a][b] -> [a << b] |
Equivalent to << operator. |
shr | [a][b] -> [a >> b] |
Equivalent to >> operator. |
and | [a][b] -> [a && b] |
Equivalent to && operator. |
or | [a][b] -> [a || b] |
Equivalent to || operator. |
mod | [a][b] -> [a % b] |
Equivalent to % operator. |
open_file | [path][mode] -> [ptr] |
Push a pointer to a file at path on to the stack. |
write_to_file | [str][1][len][ptr] -> [] |
Write a string str to a file ptr . |
close_file | [ptr] -> [] |
Safely close an opened file. |
length_s | [str] -> [len] |
Push the length of a string on to the stack. |
write | [] -> [mode] |
Push the write file mode constant on to the stack. |
append | [] -> [mode] |
Push the append file mode constant on to the stack. |
'if' - Conditional Branch
The if
keyword pops a value off the stack, then jumps to endif
if the value is zero ,or else
if it is present between if
[a] -> []
, endif
[] -> []
- No equivalent
- No related
1 1 = if
420 #
69 #
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'while' - Looping
The while
keyword generates a label for endwhile
to jump to unconditionally.
The do
keyword is similar to the if
keyword; if the item on the top of the stack is zero, it will jump just past endwhile
, stopping the loop.
The endwhile
keyword is a necessary block ending symbol for the while
[a] -> []
, endwhile
[] -> []
- No equivalent
- No related
1 // initialize loop counter
while dup 5 <= do
dup dump // print loop counter
10 dump_c // print newline
1 + // increment loop counter
drop // drop loop counter from stack
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'dup' - Stack Operation
Duplicates the item at the top of the stack.
[a] -> [a][a]
- No equivalent
- Keyword: twodup
69 dup
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'twodup' - Stack Operation
Duplicates the top two items of the stack.
[a][b] -> [a][b][a][b]
- No equivalent
- Keyword: dup
69 420
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'drop' - Stack Operation
Deletes the item at the top of the stack, leaving no reference to it. This is useful to shut up warnings from the stack validator (aka follow best practices managing your memory).
Most often seen used after while loops to delete the loop counter from the stack.
[a] -> []
- No equivalent
- No related
420 drop
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'swap' - Stack Operation
Moves the top-most item and the item below it to each other's positions.
[a][b] -> [b][a]
- No equivalent
- No related
80 500 swap
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'over' - Stack Operation
Push the item below the top of the stack on to the top of the stack, duplicating it.
[a][b] -> [a][b][a]
- No equivalent
- No related
1 2 over
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'dump' - Tool
Print the item at the top of the stack to the standard output.
Internally, this uses the C RunTime printf
method, so a format needs to be specified by using a specific keyword.
Keyword | Print Format |
dump or # |
unsigned integer |
dump_c |
character |
dump_s |
string |
[a] -> []
- Operator: #
- No related
// Print a number
69420 dump
// Print a newline (10 = ascii newline)
10 dump_c
// Print a string constant
"Dennis is a bastard man\n" dump_s
// Print a string from memory
// I don't recommend constructing them from hand like
// this, but it's really useful for building strings
// within loops and not having to print each character.
// i = string index
// c = character ascii code
// <i> <c>
mem 10 storeb // <newline>
mem 1 + 82 storeb // R
mem 2 + 101 storeb // e
mem 3 + 103 storeb // g
mem 4 + 103 storeb // g
mem 5 + 105 storeb // i
mem 6 + 101 storeb // e
mem 7 + 32 storeb // <space>
mem 8 + 87 storeb // W
mem 9 + 97 storeb // a
mem 10 + 116 storeb // t
mem 11 + 116 storeb // t
mem 12 + 115 storeb // s
mem 13 + 10 storeb // <newline>
mem 14 + 0 storeb // null terminator
mem dump_s
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
Dennis is a bastard man
Reggie Watts
To Keywords
'mem' - Memory Address
Pushes the address of the memory allocated at run-time.
For now, this is hard-coded in the Corth executable to 720kb. Although that should be enough for everyone, there will be a CCLI option in the future to specify the exact amount of bytes you would like to allocate.
Remember, it is up to you to not access invalid memory addresses.
To access any address within the memory, simply add the byte offset to the address, like so mem <byte offset> +
Next, use it with the memory access keywords that accept memory addresses as arguments (see related).
[] -> [addr]
- No equivalent
- Keyword: store
- Keyword: load
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'store' - Memory Manipulation
Store a value at an address in the memory allocated during run-time (see mem).
This allows string-building, variables (albeit un-named ones), and as much as your mind can imagine.
A size of value to store at an address must be selected with the following format:
Where x
is any of the following:
- 'b' - byte | 8 bits
- 'w' - word | 16 bits
- 'd' - double word | 32 bits
- 'q' - quad word | 64 bits
Remember, it is up to you to not access invalid memory addresses.
[addr][value] -> []
- No equivalent
- Keyword: mem
- Keyword: load
// Store a byte with value of 69 at mem[0]
mem 69 storeb
// Store a word with value of 69420 at mem[1]
mem 1 + 69420 storew
// Store a double word with value of 6969696969 at mem[3]
// Note the byte offset taken into account due to previously
// storing a word (2 bytes) at mem[1].
mem 3 + 6969696969 stored
// Store a quad word with value of 19696942042069696969 at mem[7]
mem 7 + 19696942042069696969 storeq
// Final memory layout
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...
// 69 69420 6969696969- 19696942042069696969------- ...
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'load' - Memory Manipulation
Push a value on to the stack from a given address in the memory allocated during runtime (see related).
A size of value to store at an address must be selected with the following format:
Where x
is any of the following:
- 'b' - byte | 8 bits
- 'w' - word | 16 bits
- 'd' - double word | 32 bits
- 'q' - quad word | 64 bits
Remember, it is up to you to not access invalid memory addresses.
[addr] -> [value]
- No equivalent
- Keyword: mem
- Keyword: store
// This is the `store` example from above with a few
// modifications made after the HERE comment.
// Store a byte with value of 69 at mem[0]
mem 69 storeb
// Store a word with value of 69420 at mem[1]
mem 1 + 69420 storew
// Store a double word with value of 6969696969 at mem[3]
// Note the byte offset taken into account due to previously
// storing a word (2 bytes) at mem[1].
mem 3 + 6969696969 stored
// Store a quad word with value of 19696942042069696969 at mem[7]
mem 7 + 19696942042069696969 storeq
// Final memory layout
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...
// 69 69420 6969696969- 19696942042069696969------- ...
// Print 8 bits of memory starting at mem[0]
mem loadb dump
// Print 16 bits of memory starting at mem[1]
mem 1 + loadw dump
// Print 32 bits of memory starting at mem[3]
mem 3 + loadd dump
// Print 64 bits of memory starting at mem[7]
mem 7 + loadq dump
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'shl' - Bitwise Operator
Pushes the address of the memory allocated at run-time.
For now, this is hard-coded in the Corth executable to 720kb. Although that should be enough for everyone, there will be a CCLI option in the future to specify the exact amount of bytes you would like to allocate.
Remember, it is up to you to not access invalid memory addresses.
To access any address within the memory, simply add the byte offset to the address, like so mem <byte offset> +
Next, use it with the memory access keywords that accept memory addresses as arguments (see related).
[a][b] -> [a << b]
- Operator: <<
- Keyword: shr
// 1: 001
// /
// /
// V
// 4: 100
1 2 shl
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'shr' - Bitwise Operator
Shifts the bits of a
to the right by b
amount of bits.
[a][b] -> [a >> b]
- Operator: >>
- Keyword: shl
// 32: 100000
// \
// \
// V
// 8: 001000
32 2 shr
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'and' - Bitwise Operator
Perform a bitwise AND operation on two popped values, a
and b
An AND operation entails the output only containing a 1
if both inputs do.
[a][b] -> [a && b]
- Operator: &&
- Keyword: or
// 7: 0111
// 14: 1110
// 6: 0110
7 14 and
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'or' - Bitwise Operator
Perform a bitwise OR operation on two popped values, a
and b
An OR operation entails the output containing a 1
if one or both of the inputs do.
[a][b] -> [a || b]
- Operator: ||
- Keyword: and
// 7: 0111
// 14: 1110
// 15: 1111
7 14 or
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'mod' - Operator
Pop two values off the stack, a
and b
, then push the result of a
modulo b
A modulus operation entails dividing and then taking the remainder, aka what is left-over.
[a][b] -> [a % b]
- Operator: %
- No related
20 15 mod
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'open_file' - Operator
Pop two values off the stack, path
and mode
then push a file pointer to an opened file.
Used with file operation keywords (see related).
File paths are always relative to wherever the Corth executable was when it compiled the program.
File paths are NOT relative to the source code, or generated executable.
[path][mode] -> [file pointer]
- No equivalent
- Keyword: write
- Keyword: append
- Keyword: write_to_file
- Keyword: close_file
"myFile.txt" write open_file
Stack Output:
[pointer to writeable file]
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'write_to_file' - Operator
Pop four values off the stack, then use them as arguments to call fwrite
from the C RunTime.
Number of bytes per character is usually one unless you are doing some weird utf-16 stuff.
File paths are always relative to wherever the Corth executable was when it compiled the program.
File paths are NOT relative to the source code, or generated executable.
[content str][num bytes per character][num characters to write][file pointer] -> []
- No equivalent
- Keyword: open_file
- Keyword: close_file
// Store file pointer in mem[0] thru mem[7]
mem "myFile.txt" write open_file storeq
// Content String
"I want to write this string to a text file\n"
// The length of the string is determined
dup length_s
// Next, the number of bytes per character must be set
// Then, it must be arranged correctly in-between the
// string and it's length
// [str][len][1] -> [str][1][len]
// Load file pointer from memory
mem loadq
// Call `write_to_file`
// 4 arguments: [content str][num bytes per character][num characters][file ptr]
// Load file pointer and close it
mem loadq close_file
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
I want to write this string to a text file
'close_file' - Operator
Pops a single value off the stack, file ptr
, then closes the file opened at that pointer.
Best practices indicate that every opened file must be closed before execution halts.
File paths are always relative to wherever the Corth executable was when it compiled the program.
File paths are NOT relative to the source code, or generated executable.
[file pointer] -> []
- No equivalent
- Keyword: open_file
"myFile.txt" write open_file
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'length_s' - Operator
Pop a string off the stack, then return the length of that string back on to the stack.
[string] -> [length]
- No equivalent
- Keyword: write_to_file
"Hello, World!" length_s dump
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'write' - Operator
Pushes a file mode constant on to the stack.
Used with open_file
to indicate that the file should start empty, creating the file if it doesn't already exist.
This means opening a file in this way over-writes any data previously stored there.
[] -> [file mode `write` constant]
- No equivalent
- Keyword: open_file
- Keyword: append
"myFile.txt" write open_file
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
'append' - Operator
Pushes a file mode constant on to the stack.
Used with open_file
to indicate that it should keep the contents of the file.
Anything written to the file is put after the contents that were there already.
[] -> [file mode `append` constant]
- No equivalent
- Keyword: open_file
- Keyword: write
"myFile.txt" append open_file
Stack Output:
Standard Output:
To Keywords
To Definitions
To Top
How to build a Corth program
So, you've written a program, what do you do now that you want to run it?
If you do not already have the Corth executable, you can either download it from the releases page or build it yourself using CMake after cloning the repository (further instructions down below).
There are two assembly syntaxes Corth supports (for now):
- Linux
- Windows
- Linux
- Windows
Warning! -- When using -GAS
flag or on Linux, if you specify an output name to Corth with -o
, it will only affect the generated assembly file name, not the output object or executable file. Look for a.out
or a.exe
, etc. This may over-write previously-compiled-programs, so be careful! To accurately rename the output executable, pass the corresponding option to your linker with -add-lo <option>
, for example: -add-lo "-o my_program"
along with the normal -o my_program
to rename the generated assembly file.
GAS, or the GNU assembler
The whole lot of GNU tools will come with a majority of Linux systems, and if not, will be easily obtainable.
To familiarize yourself with the Corth Command Line Interface (CCLI), run the following command:
./Corth -h
or ./Corth --help
This will list all of the possible flags and options that may be passed to Corth.
Example Corth source code to executable compilation command on Linux:
./Corth -GAS -linux test.corth
Example cmd with output renamed:
./Corth -GAS -linux -add-ao "-o my-output-name" -o my-output-name test.corth
As for Windows, there is a little funky business... MinGW, the 'normal' installation manager for GNU tools on Windows, doesn't support 64 bits.
Luckily, there is a community-fix, TDM-GCC-64, that solves this exact problem, so go donate to this person for doing the hard work that all of us can now use. If for some reason the github was taken down, or anything of the sort, here is a link to a wayback machine snapshot.
It's a very easy to use installer, and comes with a whole host of very useful 64 bit tools on Windows. Install it at the default location, otherwise Corth will need to be passed the path to the gcc
executable using the CCLI -a
To familiarize yourself with the Corth Command Line Interface (CCLI), run the following command:
Corth.exe -h
or Corth.exe --help
This will list all of the possible flags and options that may be passed to Corth.
Example command to compile test.corth
to an executable on Windows:
Corth.exe -GAS test.corth
Example command with output renamed:
Corth.exe -GAS -add-ao "-o my-output-name" -o my-output-name test.corth
On Windows you can download the installer from the official website
On Mac, you can download the necessary binaries from the official website
On Linux, run the following CMD: apt install nasm
If you are on Windows and you didn't install NASM in the default directory the installer prompted, keep in mind the path to the 'nasm' executable file itself. You will need it later for the -a
or --assembler-path
command line option.
You must ensure that you have some sort of linker on your machine that can link against the standard C runtime of whatever platform you're on.
GoLink is my recommendation on Windows.
GoLink is easy to use and fast to setup; simply extract it and it's ready. -
On Linux, this is most likely
, the GNU linker; it comes with most linux distros by default.
Once all the pre-requisites are installed, now comes time to use the CCLI, or Corth Command Line Interface.
To avoid headache as much as possible, Corth sets default values based on your operating system.
If you get any errors, there are a multitude of command line options to help rectify the situation. (see Common Errors)
Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the Corth executable.
To familiarize yourself with the options of the CCLI, run the following command:
./Corth -h
or ./Corth --help
A lot of options will appear, but most will not be needed unless you are getting errors, as the defaults are platform-specific.
One required flag on Linux is the -linux
Basic Example (given apt install nasm
was run and ld
is installed by default):
./Corth -o my_program -add-lo "-o my_program" test.corth
Verbose Example:
./Corth -a nasm -ao "-f elf64 corth_program.asm" -l ld -lo " -dynamic-linker /lib64/ -lc -m elf_x86_64 -o corth_program corth_program.o" test.corth
Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing Corth.exe
To familiarize yourself with the options of the CCLI, run the following command:
Corth.exe -h
or Corth.exe --help
A lot of different options will come up, with clear explanations on what everything does.
Basic example:
Corth.exe -o my_program test.corth
Or, if Corth is giving errors about not finding assembler/linker:
Corth.exe -a /Path/To/NASM/nasm.exe -l /Path/To/GoLink/golink.exe test.corth
Alternatively, you could add the directory containing the executable to your system's PATH environment variable:
Corth.exe -a nasm.exe -l golink.exe test.corth
By default, the assembler and linker options are setup for Windows, using NASM and GoLink.
If your situation is different, make sure to specify the correct options using -ao
and -lo
Common Errors
- "Assembler not found at x"
- Solution: Specify a valid path, including file name and extension, to the assembler executable using
- Solution: Specify a valid path, including file name and extension, to the assembler executable using
- "Linker not found at x"
- Solution: Specify a valid path, including file name and extension, to the linker executable using
-l Path/To/Linker.exe
or--linker-path Path/To/Linker.exe
- Solution: Specify a valid path, including file name and extension, to the linker executable using
- The stdout and stderr of any commands run are redirected to a log file in the same directory as the Corth executable. The contents of these files are printed to the console when the verbose flag is passed to Corth through the CCLI with
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How to build Corth from source
This project uses CMake to build Corth for any platform that CMake supports (which is a lot).
This means Corth source code can be easily built in your favorite IDE that supports C++ (or with make, you linux-folk).
First, on any platform, clone this repository to your local machine.
Run the following command in the repository directory:
cmake -S . -B build/
This will use CMake to build a build system with the default generator on your platform.
Once complete, open the build directory, and build Corth using the build system you just generated.
Windows example:
Open Visual Studio solution and build with F6
Linux example:
Open terminal, run make
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