gatsby-starter-portfolio-bella copied to clipboard
error GraphQL Error Unknown field `childImageSharp` on type `File`
I followed the instructions, copied the types to Prismic, didn't use a gif for a header image.
error GraphQL Error Unknown field `childImageSharp` on type `File`
1 |
2 | query IndexQuery {
3 | caseStudies: allPrismicCaseStudy(sort: { fields: [last_publication_date], order: DESC }) {
4 | edges {
5 | node {
6 | uid
7 | data {
8 | header_image {
9 | localFile {
> 10 | childImageSharp {
| ^
11 | fluid(
12 | maxWidth: 900
13 | maxHeight: 900
14 | quality: 90
15 | traceSVG: { color: "#021212" }
16 | cropFocus: ENTROPY
17 | ) {
18 | ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_withWebp_tracedSVG
19 | }
20 | }
➜ node -v
➜ yarn -v
➜ gatsby -v
Gatsby CLI version: 2.11.22
Gatsby version: 2.0.59
➜ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.15.4