Leif Warner
Leif Warner
One difference I noticed in my request from the docs: In my request, Action and DomainName are in the request body, while in the docs, there is apparently no body;...
The "aws" package has an SDB client that works: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aws-0.20/docs/Aws-SimpleDb.html In a request on there I just sent, it's using POST, the query string is empty, the only headers are...
It looks like the `postQuery` used by sdb is correctly creating a POST request with the parameters as form parameters in the body, but the V2 signing method just puts...
Could this either be fixed, or perhaps have the package marked as deprecated on Hackage? There's already a perfectly working SimpleDB client on hackage, and I wasted a fair amount...
This happens to me with using the bytestring conduit in amazonka-s3-streaming, as well
Looking at https://github.com/snoyberg/http-client/blob/9eb92877641db53efa179ea871a51d32989c6f52/http-conduit/Network/HTTP/Conduit.hs#L315, it looks like the result of Client.responseOpen is freed when you call responseBody on the response, or when you runResourceT. I don't know if responseBody is being...
It looks like `UploadMultipartPartResponse` calls `receiveEmpty`. Other responses that call `receiveXML` or `receiveJSON` call `responseBody`, but I don't see `receiveEmpty` doing so. Of course, the responses to these calls shouldn't...
That looks good to me! Our FileIngestFormat seems like it works in a similiar way - an Akka Stream that can handling a series of JSON objects being passed in...
Awesome, thanks! As far as different methods vs only GET - whatever you think is best for now. Seems it should be easy enough to remove / add later if...
I'm not seeing `` elements being generated by any of the steps I'm looking at when reading through the spec - they come back with no attributes. Curious when that...