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Just A Pearl Calculator Core Project Attempt


Just A Pearl Calculator Core Project Attempt.


简体中文 | 繁體中文

Bug Report Rules

  1. Any Bug report should be reported at GitHub Issue page. Any report on other platform won't be considered;
  2. Reporters should have experienced the problem himself otherwise won't be considered;


Please install the dotnet runtime before proceeding.

Some apps run on dotnet 6.0

  • PearlCalculatorCore
  • PearlCalculatorCP
  • PCCSettingsGenerator

Other apps run on dotnet core 3.1


This is a cross-platform graphical frontend for receiving parameters and presenting the results, based on AvaloniaUI.

Supported Language

  • English
  • 繁體中文
  • 简体中文

Install Instructions


Run cpbuild.ps1 using command prompt.

> cpbuild.ps1

macOS, Linux

Run using terminal. You might need to change its file permissions before running this script, i.e. chmod +x


PearlCalculatorCP Command-line Arguments

    -scale [ratio]      scale app based on the current screen dpi (e.g: PearlCalculatorCP -scale 1.25)


  • You can use /log tnt to obtain the location of the exploding TNT entities.
    • Provided you have fabric carpet mod installed
    • Beware of the spam
  • You can use the Options in the top middle which hads the icon of three dots.
    • You can change the language in it. Do it twice sets the language as default.
    • You can import a json formated settings file as a default settings in it.
  • This application does not taking care about the range limit of the explosion and might create a wrong result or trigger an exception.
  • The direction and angle are displayed in the bottom right.
  • In the General section under the General FTL tab
    • You should round up the Pearl coordinates.
    • The settings can be saved to serve multiple purposes like storing the default parameter of a FTL for a perdicular server/design or storing the current result for a server member.
      • You can name the json formated settings file whatever you want.
  • In the Advanced section under the General tab
    • The offsets are the displacement between the pearl and Chamber Center. (Pearl - Chamber Center)
    • In the Result Sort Control section
      • The track bar is used to change the weight of TNT.
      • The radio buttons are used to change the sorting method.
  • In the Settings section under the General FTL tab
    • The switches in the TNT sections must be enabled before changing the parameters inside it. The purpose of it is to prevent any unexpected change by accident.
    • X and Z axis are relatived to the Chamber Center.
    • Y Axis are global value.
    • DefaultRedDuper and DefaultBlueDuper must be Ordinal Direction and should be oppose to each other.
  • In the Display tab, if it is displaying results about the TNT configuration, you can sort it by clicking the header of the Distance, Ticks and Total column. Smaller value will be on the top.
  • In the Manually Tab
    • All the parameters are in global value.
    • You can Enter two sets of TNT parameter side by side.
    • If the application cannot find a possible TNT configuration, it will not give any notice.



The classes under this namespace are mostly used for calculating regular 360 degree FTL and not designed for FTL which can only handle certain angles.

  • Data

    The purpose of this class is for storing most parameters. If the necessary field is empty when the method of the Calculation class is called, it might create a wrong output or trigger an exception. The following section shows which parameters are needed for various methods in the Calculation class. If the following items do not include the information about which method to be used, it will be referred by CalculateTNTAmount, CalculatePearlTrace and CalculateTNTVector.

    List of paramters to be supplied

    1. TNT data
      • You need to enter coordinates of the TNT.
        • X and Z axis are relatived to the Chamber Center.
        • Y Axis are global value.
    2. destination Data
      • To coordinate that you would like to teleport to
      • Required by the CalculateTNTAmount method.
    3. pearl
      • Fill in its inital velocity (use .WithVector() method) and position (use .WithPosition() method)
      • The coordinate of the pearl should be rounded up.
    4. PearlOffset
      • The offset between the actual pearl coordinate and the rounded up pearl coordinate.
    5. BlueTNT and RedTNT
      • Amount of TNT to be exploded
      • Not necessary and can be used for storing the data.
    6. TNTWeight
      • Number between 0 ~ 100.
      • Higher number means solutions with more TNTs will be shown on top.
      • For sorting the results
      • Required by the sorting comparer in the TNTCalculationResultSortComparerByWeighted class.
    7. MaxTNT
      • The Max number of TNT on each side
      • Required by the CalculateTNTAmount method.
    8. MaxCalculateTNT, MaxCalculateDistance
      • Leave it empty
    9. Direction
      • Specifying the flying direction of the pearl(Only allowed for Cardinal Direction)
      • Required by the CalculatePearlTrace method.
    10. DefaultRedDuper and DefaultBlueDuper
      • Supply Direction as its value(Only allow for Ordinal Direction)
      • Indicate where the TNT will land on the lava with out moving it
    11. TNTResult
      • Stores the calculated result
      • Contains
        • Flight duration in ticks
        • redTNT
        • blueTNT
        • distance (displacement between the pearl and destination)
        • totalTNT (blueTNT + redTNT)


    The TNT and PearlOffset parameters related to the X and Z axis, they are all relatived to the Pearl, also know as Chamber Center in PCCSettingsGenerator, which is considered as the origin. For the Y axis, they are all global value. The following picture provides an illustration.

    Figure 1


    This class is called for most calculations. It is composed of 4 differnt public methods which do different jobs. For the necessary parameters, please refer to Data class.

    1. CalculateTNTAmount is designed to calculate the configuration of the TNT and return a bool value indicating whether the calculation is seccessfully finished. The results of the possible TNT configurations will be stored in the TNTResult which is one of the field in Data class.

    2. CalculatePearlTrace is designed to simulate the pearl and retrieve its trace. It returns a list of PearlEntity which contains its motion and position in every tick.

    3. CalculateTNTConfiguration is prepared as helping users to program the cannon. By providing the value with the same order, this method can generate the programing sequences. The result is passed by reference through the out keyword. The return statment is returning the bool value indicating the seccessful of the calculation.

    4. CalculateTNTVector is designed to calculate the vectors of the pearl. For more information, please refer to the summary.


    This class serves as a data structure only for storing data which used to serialize or deserialize a json formated settings file.


This namespace is similar to PearlCalculatorLib.General namespace. They serve a similar purpose but with a different input and/or output. All coordinates under this namespace are global value unlike the PearlCalculatorLib.General namespace.


This namespace is used for providing an useful tools for other classes to handle complex calculations.

  • AABB

    This namespace is reserved for furture development.

  • Entity, MathLib, Utility

    Those namespaces are used to provide some useful tools for other classes.

  • Result

    This namespace is used for handling the result of CalculateTNTAmount. It contains sorting comparers for sorting with different order base on TNT amount, ticks, distance.

  • World

    This namespace is used for providing the useful tools for handling the world coordinates and direction.

  • VectorCalculation

    This class is aimed for calculating the acceleration of the pearl with the given input of TNT coordinates and pearl coordinates. Please note that it doesn't handle the distance limit set by Mojang and if it is over the raycasting range, it might return a wrong result or throw an exception.

PCCSettingsGenerator (Folder name : PCCSettingsCalculator)

Sorry about the wrong file name, but changing it causes problem.

What this project does is to help FTL designers to generate settings easily by providing some parameters taken from the game and generate the settings you want. It can also save the settings to a json formated settings file for PearlCalculatorCP to use.

Supported language

  • English
  • 繁體中文
  • 简体中文

If you want to provide a language support, feel free to provide a resx formated language file in PCCSettingsCalculator/Resources/ folder through pull request.


This is more like a debug purposed version of PearlCalculatorCP. It have intergrated some useful commands for peeking and changing the hidden parameters. It does not features language support other than English and we are rarely maintain it.


This is purely make for Debug Purposed and not for anyone to used it. It is used to varify the correctness of the PearlCalculatorLib.