Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson
Website guy here! In addition to Ijwu's points, I might be able to provide a little insight into the inner-workings of that page. Back in Berserker's MultiWorld (BMW), we supported...
Ah, perhaps I didn't explain clearly. It's not an individual option which is the problem. It's a new category of options for image selections.
So far it looks great. Let me know when you're ready for review, then after it's accepted I'll take it to the designer and get the theme styles.
I agree with that. At first I thought it was a button to immediately randomize the current value of the option. I know a checkbox was briefly discussed, and the...
I think if the background-color of the button is made to match the color of the tooltip question marks, we should be in good shape.
Maybe also change the tooltip on the button to read "Toggle randomization for this option!"
I feel like if timed hints are enabled, check-based hints should be disabled.
I was just thinking about a situation where someone enables both, and all the players end up with the ability to issue tons of hints. The same could be accomplished...
After a discussion on voice, I think the content of this page on the WebHost is distinct enough from the rest of the content on the site to justify a...
I agree with BlackSilver that the downloads shouldn't be hosted locally. They should be sourced from GutHub, which has the existing infrastructure of a CDN already. Sending a GET request...