Severed-Chains copied to clipboard
Legend of Dragoon decompiled, reverse engineered, and ported to Java
If you're moving in a direction when you press interact it's about a 50/50 on whether Dart turns to face the seller correctly or just stares away from them.
When Death uses Midnight Terror against the party, the ghost effect is to the side of the screen. There's also some side slanted blots of light on the floor in...
Wendigo won't Take Hostage with a party less than 3
Kamuy won't do his stun spell (Howl) with a party less than 3
He only targets slot 0; Finishing Move on someone who´s not Dart causes game to crash [Lloyd crash.txt](
When he does 5-sense-blocker!! with two or three party characters the attack stay at center of screen (between characters) instead of directly hit someone (I forgot to record it, sorry)
He only targets slot 0; when he counters slot 1 or 2 addition, he grabs slot 0 char and he/she´s near to him (visual bug), same happens when you use...
He only targets slot 0 except for this Slash & Strike attack, also camera issues
If there is more than one character, poison dialogue doesn´t display He only targets slot 0, sometimes he targets slot 1 with item (Poison Needle always hit slot 1)