vscode-leetcode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-leetcode copied to clipboard

Failed to add the problem to favorite. Please open the output channel for details.

Open codingYH opened this issue 4 years ago • 9 comments

node:57237) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency (Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created) [ERROR] http error [code=520]

node -v v14.7.0

codingYH avatar Aug 20 '20 01:08 codingYH

@codingYH Yes the add the problem to favorite seems expired in leetcode and I checked in leetcode-cn works well. Let me try to fix it.

yihong0618 avatar Aug 20 '20 01:08 yihong0618

Thanks a lot! Are the company tag questions the same with Leetcode?

codingYH avatar Aug 20 '20 02:08 codingYH

@codingYH Yes the add the problem to favorite seems expired in leetcode and I checked in leetcode-cn works well. Let me try to fix it.

I found the data was successfully posted to leetcode.com. However, in Visual Studio, It didn't work.

codingYH avatar Aug 20 '20 02:08 codingYH

@jdneo Change api to graphql seems can solve this problem. And Seems leetcode is dropping the old apis bit by bit.

yihong0618 avatar Aug 20 '20 08:08 yihong0618

@yihong0618 Cool, do you have the interest to update the cli?

jdneo avatar Aug 20 '20 08:08 jdneo

@jdneo Doing it right now, I will send a pr later.

yihong0618 avatar Aug 20 '20 08:08 yihong0618

There is the same bug. Failed to add the problem to favorite.

codingYH avatar Aug 20 '20 20:08 codingYH

I think the bug is still here.

codingYH avatar Aug 20 '20 20:08 codingYH

Failed to add the problem to favorite.

niharika2k00 avatar Mar 01 '22 12:03 niharika2k00