vscode-leetcode copied to clipboard
Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
🐛 Bug Report
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Not able to login to leetcode. due to certificate error
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior.
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Extension Output
Paste here the LeetCode extension log from output channel.
[ERROR] You are not login yet? login: pass: - Signing in leetcode.com [ERROR] Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
Guidance: Press Ctrl+Shift+U
, and toggle the channel to LeetCode
Your Environment
- os: Windows 10
- extension settings :
- nodejs version: 12.8.1
- vscode version: 1.38.1
- extension version: 0.15.5
The output shows the error msg
[ERROR] You are not login yet? login: pass: - Signing in leetcode.com [ERROR] Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
Im behind a firewall with self signed certs. I assume this may require https requests config change.
PS: I don't think this is duplicated as #370 . They are all certs related but root cause may different
User setting.json has been updated with "http.proxyStrictSSL": false,
Still not working
@jdneo I met the same issue. For same reason in my work, I need to set git config --global http.sslVerify false
. I am not sure if it is caused by this setting. Is there any solution now?
Here is a similar issue: Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain · Issue #695 · nodejs/node-gyp
Further investigation indicates the error msg came from Leetcode-cli Got same error msg when trying login via leetcode cli
Create ticket https://github.com/skygragon/leetcode-cli/issues/186
Hey @rickdgit,
Thank you for your effort on this issue. So far I think the author of LeetCode CLI has no time to maintain this project (See:https://github.com/skygragon/leetcode-cli/issues/181).
It would be great if you can dig deeper into this and send out a fix. 😄
Hi @jdneo
I can take a look later and so sad the skygragon suffered from 996... Are you taking the ownership for leetcode-cli ?
I'm not the owener of the leetcode cli. So far I just fork it to unblock the vscode extension. But that is not a way which I preferred to do so.
Before skygragon came back or find a new guy to take care of the cli. You can first send pull request to https://github.com/leetcode-tools/leetcode-cli. And thank you for your enthusiasm to this project.
I have some question of this. I do not know why occur the question, If you have solve it, please tell me. Thanks.
For Windows users, you may try to add process.env['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = 0
at the beginning of the following files
For other users, there may be similar files where you can add.
For Windows users, you may try to add
at the beginning of the following filesC:\Users\YourUserName\.vscode\extensions\leetcode.vscode-leetcode-0.18.1\node_modules\vsc-leetcode-cli\lib\plugins\leetcode.cn.js
For other users, there may be similar files where you can add.
Facing the same issue, I'm using Linux for remote development, after adding process.env['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = 0
to the beginning of leetcode.js
, another error occurs.