? did you download proxies file
1-2. 可以的, 有空会更新 3 已经有了 4. 我感觉随机ua比较好 5. 如果你是说client-ip/x-forwared-for的话已经有了 6. 那个我比较懒,有空再弄吧。 希望你能满意"_>"
cf 的保护模式基本上如果没有5秒盾 直接随机url 就可以穿缓存。有开5秒盾的话可以用付费API解析 或者用cfscrape 那样的本地解析 url 和cookies。 我比较懒,你那些建议我会慢慢更的。 至于你那个问题,我这几天也会更新。
Actually you can add a pull request
The problem of the output of slow attack has been fixed, also what do you mean can't atttack "https: // target //?q=% RANDOM%".
@jmcausing It could be easily stopped by limiting the connections per host. The exactly command I don't remember, but i think you should be able to find on google.
I knew what did you mean, but nowadays I am busy in real life. I will try to update in summertime.
Finding ip behind cdn can use more efficient way such as searching ssl certificate or http title in some search engine. chromedriver is a good idea but....I am lazy. Someday...
Cool, but actually I did update something: https://github.com/Leeon123/CC-attack/tree/Rewrite It will be better if you can work on this branch in the future, and I hope I can get your pull...