DTVis-master copied to clipboard
DTVis:交通流量时空演变特征可视分析;数据源:2019CCF BDCI-可视化大赛
:dolphin: DTVis-master
🇨🇳 中文版
Description: Visual analysis system of traffic flow spatio-temporal evolution based on Vue framework
Results display
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e
# run all tests
npm test
Code structure
├── build # Where to store the final released code
├── config # Store some information such as configuration path and port number
├── node_modules:# Project dependent modules loaded by npm, (dependent resources required by the entire project)
├── src:# Here is the main directory we developed, which contains several directories and files:
│ ├── assets # Contains css page situation
│ ├── components # The various modules of the page are distributed, and their respective introductions are introduced in the
│ ├── utils # Tools that may be needed for the page
│ ├── pages # File saved by page jump
│ ├── views # Jump page layout
│ ├── vuex # Route management file save page
│ └── router # Page Vue routing management for web page links
├── static # Files in this directory will not be processed by WebPack: they will be copied directly to the final packaging directory (absolute path)
│ ├── data # Contains the data used by the visualization page
│ │ |── Forecast # Order forecast
│ │ |── ForecastPointChart # Data source for order forecast results-scatterplot
│ │ |── StartHeatMapChart # Heat map of distribution of starting orders
│ │ |── EndHeatMapChart # Heat map of end order distribution
│ │ |── CalendarChart # Order status calendar heat map
│ │ |── TadpoleChart # Street situation flow tadpole map
│ │ |── multiputeMap # Order forecast results
│ │ |── MoveToChart # Order situation overall regional migration map
│ │ |── ChordChart # Order situation Overall street chord diagram (used in the pop-up window)
│ │ |── RateLineChart # Line chart of the overall order change rate (used in the popup display section)
│ │ |── OrderNumLineChart # Line chart of the combination of the travel distance of the order and the travel distance of the order (used in the pop-up window display section)
│ │ |── LineCharts # Line chart of order changes
│ │ |── PreBarChart # Histogram of overall order forecast
│ │ |── wordCloud # Word Cloud Map of Popular Places for Orders
│ │ |── DailyBarChart # Order forecast view, overall forecast histogram
│ ├── img # The background image required by the page
│ ├── script # Code required for data processing
│ └── js # Library files required for drawing
System screenshot
Data processing:
Python 3.8
System support:
Programming environment:
Those who are interested can pay attention to my personal official account, which will share relevant technologies and experience from time to time.