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Collection of recipes and snippets helping you create useful Rx code
Create an implementation of TWAP and VWAP. This could be linked to from IntroToRx 17_SequencesOfCoincidence.html#GroupJoin
Either show how to build a query that allows a user to observe ObjA.PropB.SubPropC by leaveraging Switch e.g. ``` ObjA.WhenPropertyChanges(vm=>vm.PropB) .Select(b=>b.WhenPropertyChanges(vm=>vm.SubPropC)) .Switch() ``` We could potentially extend this to build...
As pointed out in this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18477018/rx-and-tasks-cancel-running-task-when-new-task-is-spawned/18493158#18493158 ToObservable does not really offer Cancellation support as there is no way to pass in a `CancelationToken`. Favor the Observable.FromAsync(Func) method instead.
Show how you can await observable sequences, and what implications it has for your code.
The ever popular last value cache. Often required, poorly implemented. Potential implementations should/could: - Take a single sequence and partition it with group by and cache the last value of...
Extend the INPC samples to also allow for getting the initial value. The difficulty here is providing a thread-safe implementation. Trying to get the current value and subscribing to the...
Complete the partially completed TibRv recipe
Walk a user through various uses of the TestSchedulers: - Advancing time By/To. Create an ExtMeth to take a TimeSpan so we dont always convert to ticks - Show the...